The final book in the series “The Witch’s Horny Familiar.” Longest and best in the series! The full plot and all the evil plotters are revealed!

Rinnassa the Sorceress is on a mission to save her daughter from sexual submission to evil lesbians and nonhumans. She has struck a deal with her daughter’s traitorous little sexy demonic familiar, Alure. Rinnassa will let Alure use her sexually so that Alure will give up trying to seduce Rinnassa’s daughter. Alure has insisted Rinnassa come out and put out in an out-of-town Pleasure House, a place of slavery and paid sex. Rinnassa goes there with her own trusted familiar, the good fairy Mysty.
Rinnassa secretly intends to destroy Alure, thus eliminating the threat to her daughter.
However, there are things Rinnassa does not know, things that may spell doom for her freedom and her male-only, human-only sexuality.
Alure has already seduced and dominated Rinnassa’s daughter. It is too late to save her!
Mysty is no longer the loyal or good fairy that she’s been for decades. She’s been magically converted to evil and is now Alure’s minion. Mysty softened up Rinnassa and made her vulnerable to domination by bringing her to a state of needy orgasm denial just before Rinnassa traveled out to the Pleasure House.
Rinnassa goes to the Pleasure House thinking she knows what to do and what will happen there. She thinks wrong. Without allies and without a clue, Rinnassa will soon be surrounded by a cast of evil lesbians, many of them not even human, all of them wanting to dominate her and make her submit. They intend for her to join her daughter as a pleasure slave!
Can Rinnassa resist their evil plot? Can she resist her own surprising reactions to sexual domination? Can she save her daughter? Can she even save herself?
Many surprises are in store! The evil plot is farther ranging than most would expect and involves some shocking participants!
I enjoyed this series. Was a fun and erotic read, as usual with your stories. When can we expect the next book and where will it lead us next?
Brian, I apologize for my poor response time! I’ve been battling COVID and am not yet at full strength. That said, I have still had the energy to type!
Thank you for the kind words as per “The Witch’s Horny Familiar.” The next book will start a new series back in the contemporary world. I am calling the series “Seducing the Team.” You can imagine a little of it just from that. But it is actually in an odd setting with a new women’s sport and with a much more elaborate plot than simply a teammate wanting to dominate all her teammates, or a coach, or whatever. You’ll see!
You know, what the heck, I already have the description of the 1st book done so I will cut and paste it now. If all goes well the book will be available in a couple of days.
Here is the description:
A wealthy heiress has recruited female athletes and female support staff to start a new women’s sport. She arranges them into two teams, The Angels and The Ugly Ducklings. Half of the sixteen women are lovely beauties and the other half… are not. They are required to live in a small domed stadium for a year while working out the kinks in the new sport. But is the wealthy heiress actually out to start a new sport? She and her “uglies” seem more interested in working their kinks on the beauties than they do working out kinks in the new sport!
One of the unsuspecting beauties, a pretty athletic trainer named Willow, is required to room with a former “professional” wrestler named Anna who’s wrestler ring name is Anna-conda. The Anna-conda wants to capture the pretty athletic trainer in her grip, squeeze and constrict her, and do a whole lot more besides!
Will Anna-conda bend Willow to her will? Can Willow escape the vise grip of Anna-conda and avoid the diabolical scheme?