“Her Hands Are Tied”, Chapter 9, Now Available!

Mercy the Merciless has taken advantage of Aria but now she attempts to get Aria and her buddy Becky to do far too much too soon. Aria flees but where can she go, nude in the woods far from civilization and with no transportation? Aria must go back and must eat crow… but hopefully won’t have to eat what Aria wants her to eat….

To read the first eight chapters, you can find them and Chapter 9 under the tab for “Free Lesbian Seduction Fiction”. Or, simply follow the below link to chapter 9.


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    1. Fredrick, my apologies, I did not see your post until just now.

      I ran into an issue with doing paperbacks, a bug in the Amazon system. It derailed me and I didn’t get around to get back on track. I’m assuming they’ve fixed it or it is something on my end. I will begin trying again next week, I think, and I have a lot of catching up to do. Sorry for the delays, both in my answer and the paperbacks.

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