Impossible Seduction 12 Sample Chapter!

Chapter One

Kaia was a bundle of worry.

She wasn’t normally much of a worrier but nothing seemed close to normal.

She was dressed up and waiting for her “friendship date” to show up. That should be a time for some nervousness but also some happiness. Maybe eagerness. A reprieve from boredom stuck in this gated community for models.

However, Kaia was not at ease or eager. Mom hadn’t made a “friendship date” for her since maybe third grade. Why now?

Granted, Kaia had been a bit mopey maybe ever since that photographer Lydia tried to have lesbian sex with her. Tried? Lydia had succeeded much more than she’d failed.

Shudder. Sort of a hot shudder. No. No! No damn it! That was not a hot shudder! That was just a standard normal run of the mill shudder!

Kaia had not confided in anyone about what happened. How could she talk about it? It was way too personal and too shameful. Kaia felt too much guilt about it and didn’t want to burden Mom or her older sisters. She hadn’t told anyone but she hadn’t been her normal cheery unconcerned self either.

So maybe Mom was tuned in to the undercurrent of how Kaia was feeling, maybe Mom thought Kaia was depressed about the move here and separation from her friends, and set up this “friendship date” in order for Kaia to more quickly build new friendships.


This “friendship date” did not feel right.

It didn’t seem to be a typical move by Mom. Mom was always caring but rarely interfering.

Mom knew Kaia was very social and had plenty of friends and no trouble making friends. Granted, her friends were far away now but this whole modeling deal was likely a temporary deal. If it really took off then Kaia was great at making friends so Mom should have no worries there.

Kaia had reasons for feeling weird about this.

This “friendship date” was with someone named Quiesha.

Who she’d never met.

Her own Mom had set up the friendship date without asking Kaia and then practically forced her to go on it. By text messages, no less!

In fact, Mom texted her something like an order to do this “friendship date” and told her to get ready, here it comes. Same day and within an hour!

It was… just rude! Mom was never rude and never texted. Now, an exception to both “nevers”.

Mom had been gone all day and was still gone this evening which was strange since Mom was a bit of a homebody at least in that she tried to involve her three daughters in most of her activities. She had set up this “friendship date” for Kaia with a young black woman Kaia didn’t even know and Mom wouldn’t even be here to introduce them to each other!

Everything had gone weird once they moved into this gated community as part of their family modeling contract.

For one thing, those guards at the gate seemed more concerned about when and if they left the gated community and if they had permission to do so than they did with any imagined threats from outside the gated community. And this Quiesha she was about to go on a “friendship date” with was one of those guards!

For another thing: Lydia. That photographer lady, the dark-haired one, had made a pass at Kaia during their first photo shoot. A pass? That was one way of putting it. An inaccurate way.

Lydia had gone down on her. Made her orgasm. Lydia had made Kaia return that favor. Lydia nearly fucked her with a strap-on dildo until a banging at the window saved Kaia and she managed to get out of the photographers’ house.

All of which really fired up Kaia’s imagination, made her horny as heck, and made her picture Lydia often. Much to her dismay. She didn’t want to be a lesbian!

If she ever wanted to try it out – she never had really thought about it before – she’d like to try it with one of those “lipstick lesbians” as she’d heard that they were called. One that used make up and looked attractive. Someone like herself!

If she did try it sometime she also only wanted to, you know, make out, or maybe do some heavy touching or something like that. She wouldn’t want to go all the way. Whatever all the way even was with a lesbian. Was it going down on each other or would there need to be a dildo?

Damn. Now, if she ever did “try it out”, she’d have to hold back and act all nervous and like it was all new to her. She’d have to fake her lesbian virginity!

She hadn’t said anything about Lydia’s “pass”. Or her advances. Or her… progress made. Not to Mom or to her sisters Julissa and Lilliana. How could she? She’d kept it to herself.

Now her sisters were over there. At the house of the two big photographer ladies. She guessed her sister, whichever one was matched with Lydia, would not have the problems Kaia had had with her. Her sisters were pretty cool and strong people. Kaia did not think of herself as strong. At least not any longer!

Her older sisters, either one, were too confident and too certain of themselves to let Lydia take advantage of them. Lydia would probably sense that and not try anything. If she did try something either one would shut her down quick. Lydia probably only made a try, a near successful try, on Kaia because Kaia was so young and seemed vulnerable.

Damn, thought Kaia, apparently I am vulnerable!

Lydia, after her “failure” with Kaia, would probably steer clear of another attempt. It was probably a blow to her self-confidence. She’d probably think that Kaia had also warned her sisters. Also, Kaia had gone over there alone whereas Lilliana and Julissa were together looking out for each other.

Still, she’d meant to go over there with them just to make sure. Also, that way she could feel safe when she saw Lydia for the first time since the hot tub encounter.

Then those demanding texts from her Mom more or less guilt-tripped her into going on a friendship date with a young black woman she didn’t even know! Right when she’d planned to be with her sisters to offer moral or morale support.

Here she was waiting for her “ friend date” not knowing if one of her sisters was being subjected to the same seduction efforts from Lydia that she’d endured. Or, more accurately, that she had mostly succumbed to….

If any guy had tried the crazy shit on her that Lydia had then Kaia would have realized right away what was going on and would have shut them down. Kaia’s proof of that was her virginity!

That made Kaia realize something. She’d lost her lesbian virginity before her standard virginity! That was so crazy! She’d never tell anyone.

The doorbell rang. Her “friend date” was here. Kaia quickly checked herself in the full length mirror which was to one side of the front door. It was there specifically for anyone to check their appearance before leaving the house.

Modeling. So superficial. It was all about the apparel and the external. Not that Kaia had any complaints about being so attractive. Maybe learning to put up with lesbian advances was just one of the prices to pay.

Kaia wore a short-sleeve ivory blouse with ruffles and onyx bead-work. Her skirt was a beach skirt with a wildflower design. It was pretty short but in a summer outing way and not a slutty way. She was walking a bit of a tightrope in style for this date. She wanted to make a big first impression on Quiesha and, as always, wanted to look attractive in general, but she didn’t want to give any impression that she was somehow showing off her economic advantages.

That was another weird thing. This Quiesha person apparently suffered from reverse racism so Mom was really setting her up for a bit of an ordeal. Kaia would have to run anything she was going to say through a mental strainer to try to pick out anything that could offend Quiesha and just not say it. It wasn’t like Kaia was some kind of racist but if someone wanted to be offended they could usually find something.

At the same time Kaia did not want to seem unnatural or like she was on her guard. Just that could come across as somehow racist. She needed to force herself to be relaxed. She didn’t want to offend Quiesha. According to her Mom’s texts she was very sensitive to her race and to discrimination based on it.

This whole “friend date” thing was so unfair. Mom!

Kaia also wore a lot of jewelry with necklaces and earrings and bracelets all set in silver. As part of the deal they’d all been set up with amazing amounts of designer clothing and jewelry. Kaia wasn’t sure if wearing lots of jewelry was good or bad. Was it showing off or did it show she was doing her best to make a good impression? A racist wouldn’t do their best to make a good impression on a black person, right?

Kaia was pretty sure that black women, even poor black women, wore lots of jewelry so she also wore a lot of it.

What was it the blacks and the whites who wanted to be black called wearing jewelry? Bling bling, right?

Kaia hoped Quiesha liked her bling bling. If Quiesha said anything about a particular piece then she’d just give it to her. Or would Quiesha think that Kaia was trying to buy her acceptance?

Kaia was so nervous!

She also wore three inch heels. Expensive perfume. And lots and lots of make-up. No one seeing her (or smelling her!) could ever accuse her of not giving maximum effort for this friend date.

If Quiesha thought this was too much, or like Kaia was trying to show her up, Kaia would point out all the free stuff they were given and expected to wear out and about. That it was just a model thing.

Kaia felt dressed up and tall, like a model about to walk down the runway.

Maybe this whole friend date thing would be a nice distraction from her recent mistakes and worries.

Kaia opened the door.

There was Quiesha.

She wore… long red basketball shorts… and a blue and white tank top with the number 17 on it. What the heck? Was this actually Quiesha? Would she really show up for a friend date wearing only that?

“Are you Quiesha?”

“You know it, luscious little lady. I think I’ll just call you Triple L.”

“Oh. No, thank you. You can just call me Kaia.”

“We’ll see about that. You’re all dressed up. What, you think we’re going to the governor’s mansion or something?”

“No. I just… like to look nice.”

“Seems like you trying to look nice is more like trying to make me look bad by comparison.”

Oh no, thought Kaia, this girl really was sensitive. Quiesha already thought Kaia was being racist, maybe, just because she had tried to dress nice!

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure how to dress so I just tried to wear some nice things.”

“What the fuck, bitch, you knew I’m a security guard. We don’t make much. Did you think I was going to wear a fucking prom dress over here?”

Kaia was dumbfounded. Had Quiesha really just called her a “bitch”? This friend date was already a nightmare! It was really hard to believe Mom wanted her to become friends with this young woman.

“Do you… want to cancel the evening… or, you know, reschedule?” Kaia couldn’t keep the hopeful note out of her question.

“Fuck that! I came for a friendly time and I’ll have my friendly time. I just can’t have you embarrassing me in public. We’ll keep our thing on the down low.”

Kaia barely kept herself from shaking her head. Here she was all dressed up to the nines and Quiesha was dressed like she’d just come from a basketball game, and she was worried about Kaia making her look bad!

“Look, I could go change.”

“No. Fuck that shit. Let’s get this friendly time rolling. Come on with me.”

Quiesha turned and walked back down the short stone pathway to the cul-de-sac sidewalk apparently just assuming Kaia would follow. Which she did, stumbling in her heels to keep up. She couldn’t not follow though that was her first instinct. To just close her front door and refuse to answer it again. But she couldn’t let Mom down that way.

At least Quiesha hadn’t come inside the house. She really didn’t even want to be alone with Quiesha. That was sort of a weird way to feel. Natural if this were a date with a guy she hardly knew but it was unnatural feeling that way with a fellow female.

Did she actually feel unsafe with Quiesha? A security guard? What, because she was black? Kaia hoped she wasn’t racist. She wasn’t racist on purpose but maybe she was some kind of subliminal racist. That sucked! Shame on her!

At the sidewalk Quiesha turned and kept walking.

Kaia walked fast to keep up with Quiesha’s long legs. Kaia wondered where they were going, “Quiesha. Where’s the car?”

“My car is at my place but we won’t even need it now.”

Was she canceling the friend date? Too much to hope for. Quiesha was having Kaia follow her for some reason after all.

“I don’t understand. Where can we go just walking?”

“I told you we’re going to keep this on the down low. You disrespected me wearing all those fine things and I can’t have anyone see that. We’ll just go hang out at my place.”

Kaia realized their destination was Quiesha’s house. Would they be alone there? She didn’t like this idea. She wasn’t sure why it caused her so much concern. Was it maybe because of what happened with Lydia?

That was crazy. This was a totally different situation and Quiesha was very different than Lydia. Lydia was much older, much bigger, and white. And lesbian. Don’t forget that.

Quiesha and Lydia did have something in common though. Both were females who were newcomers, pretty much strangers, in Kaia’s life. That last female stranger had taken her lesbian virginity, or at least seventy-five percent of it. So… what was this one going to try?

Kaia shook her head. Come on. Quiesha was no lesbian. She was just… black.

“But Quiesha! I thought we’d go to a movie. Or something.”

“Don’t you worry, we’ll watch a movie at my place. You’ll get your movie and your “something”. I have a nice entertainment center, too.” Quiesha turned and grinned at her, “Though maybe you’ll be the center of entertainment.”

What did that mean? Was that just Quiesha teasing or was it as ominous as it sounded?

It seemed suggestive to say the least! Was Quiesha maybe really a lesbian? If so, Kaia was amazed at Quiesha’s confidence. Did she actually think girls fell for that way of being spoke to or liked that kind of talk? Had she been successful with it in the past? Quiesha did seem crazy confident and relaxed.

Maybe she was just trying to be funny. That must be it.