Good Examples Gone Bad, Chapter 1, Now Available! For FREE!

With “New Nude Neighbors” complete, it is time to start a new online project! I call this one “Good Examples Gone Bad.” I won’t spoil it by giving away the premise. Just read along and experience it as you go. I’ll post a chapter each time I publish a new book, within days before or after the new book is available.



  1. Very good beginning. I like the susprnse. The jade barebells are good.. Now the tattooes to show respect. The one on the ass is for farther, and the front one not sure how that shows respect to the chinese cilulture. Now to show respect those gifts needs to be shown to when visiting the twins and the old lady.

    I suspect more changes coming to the hapless friends from the old lady.

    1. More changes coming, or revealed, to one of the friends in the very next chapter. Next week! (spoiler alert?)

      The front tattoo does not show respect for the Chinese culture or the Chiu family but it works in reverse, showing their lack of respect for others, Americans in particular.

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