NOW AVAILABLE! “Impossible Seduction: Evil Manipulation of Moms and Daughters”, Book 7 of the “Three Mothers and Six Daughters” series

The Impossible Seduction keeps getting hotter and more twisted and less and less impossible!

Megan, mother of three lovely blondes daughters, decided to leave the gated community that is feeling like a prison. But she had to get past the black lesbian prison parolee “security guards” to escape.

Now their leader has spoken a key phrase, one which Megan’s new Mistress instructed her meant that she has to do whatever that person then tells her to do! Will she disobey her Mistress in order to save herself and her daughters? Will her submissiveness rule her and make her submit to a new Mistress?

Shereen, leader of the ex-Felon security guards, has instructions to impregnate Megan. Can she, an elderly lesbian, pull it off? Can she get Megan to hold still for her impregnation? Can she get Megan to agree with getting pregnant?