Florus is a newly graduated Healer with a big problem in a small package. At last, she has her own familiar, a small magical being meant to partner with her, help her, and protect her. But Florus was forced to adopt this hand-me-down familiar from a witch who died. The witch was expert at casting curses and was Florus’s mother’s rival. It seems the witch’s death was her final curse because her old familiar, Alure, is more of a curse than a blessing to Florus.
Alure is a beautiful imp who likes to be naked and is obsessed with sex. In their private get-familiar-with-your-familiar time at Florus’s home, the familiar has gotten extremely familiar with Florus. Intimately familiar! Already! Alure has pulled Florus across several taboo lines: female to female sex, sex with a nonhuman, and forbidden sex between a magic user and her own familiar. Perhaps worst of all, it was reluctant sex with Alure sexually dominating Florus.
After the first sexual encounter, Florus wants to get their relationship back to a healthy and socially acceptable one in which she is the mistress and Alure is the helpful familiar who obeys her will. But that is not what Alure wants! Little Alure wants to be the Big M Mistress to her little m mistress.
Alure may be small, but she is sexy and she has all the leverage. She starts making rules for Florus to follow and what rules they are! Florus realizes the little demon is trying to train and tame her! Alure keeps Florus aroused with extreme passion and Florus finds herself submitting to Alure’s bold domination. The biggest problem with the small familiar who is too big for the britches she refuses to wear is that Florus feels more and more submissive to Alure’s bold dominance and more aroused than she’s ever been.
No matter how small Alure is, she thinks she is large and in charge… of Florus! Is Alure right? Can Florus resist or will she submit?
Florus and Alure will soon discover which one of them is the Mistress!