The luscious knockout of a battle mage, Dinnaka, is in the middle of her work mission visit to a Pleasure House. It is not going at all the way she had hoped! Dinnaka wants to save pleasure slaves from a life of slavery. And pleasure. Pleasure slavery. Instead of saving pleasure slaves from slavery, she finds herself in grave danger of joining them as a pleasure slave!
The proprietor of the Pleasure House, Zurizza the Masked, has afforded Dinnaka an opportunity to save the pleasure slaves. All Dinnaka has to do is find pleasure slaves who do not want to be pleasure slaves. Pretty simple! Except, as it turns out, not so much. Zurizza is using her magic powers to make Dinnaka mind ride the pleasure slaves, to make Dinnaka feel what they feel, both the sensations and their emotions.
That makes Dinnaka feel way too much pleasure – they call them pleasure slaves for a reason – and way too much submissive lust. The pleasure slaves are oh so submissive and incredibly lustful. That makes Dinnaka feel the same way.
Zurizza keeps suggesting she’d like to add Dinnaka to her stable of pleasure slaves. But she can’t be serious. Right? And Dinnaka would never allow such a fate to befall her. Right?
Zurizza has bad intentions, tricks to pull, and unexpected allies in her effort to sexually dominate Dinnaka. Can Zurizza tame a battle mage into becoming a lowly submissive, an obedient object of lust?
Zurizza wants to change Dinnaka forever, both on the inside and on the outside. In an incredibly shocking way!
Can our lovely heroine resist the diabolical plans?