Alure, the tiny demonic dominatrix, is making A LOT of progress dominating Florus, the daughter of the Governess of the Magic Guild. Florus is supposed to be Alure’s mistress of magic and Alure is supposed to be Florus’s helpful familiar. Instead, Alure is helping herself to Florus and is Flour’s sexual Mistress.
Alure has physically altered Florus and Florus is about to find out the dark purpose of the alteration.
Alure isn’t satisfied with a single sexually enslaved human, no matter how hot Florus is. Alure always wants more! In this case, the name of more is Virrin. She is a lovely innocent redhead and, bonus points to Alure, Virrin is a virgin!
Alure has a hot date set up with Virrin whether Virrin recognizes it as a date or not. Virrin wants her lame foot healed and it seems Alure can do that for her. But Alure also wants to do other things to Virrin, many other things, nasty freaky things.
Virrin, as commanded, has left her window unlocked and awaits Alure. Can Alure go from dominating the daughter of her former witch mistress’s rival straight to dominating Virrin the Virgin?
BDSM, domination and submission, hot lesbian sex, twisted kink!