Skylar falls completely under Mary’s control. Skylar has multiple dominants dominating her. Too many dominants, or not enough submissives?
Skylar’s work buddy, Bethany, was going to help Skylar deal with Mary, but she doesn’t know that Skylar is beyond help now. However, Mary does know about Skylar’s sexy friend with the large breasts who likes to show lots of cleavage. Not enough in Mary’s opinion!
Supply of submissives (only Skylar) and demanding dominants and Bethany’s sexiness combine to put Bethany in high demand. Mary demands Skylar lures Bethany into a seduction trap. Mary is satisfied with her total control over Skylar but that does not mean she is completely satisfied. She wants Bethany also.
Will Skylar agree to trick and trap her coworker friend?
Will Bethany, so intelligent, allow herself to fall prey to the same predator she wants to save her friend from?
How will Bethany react if Mary gets her word talons into Bethany’s mind and her fingers tickling at Bethany’s ribs?
Another excellent read! Have you read any stories by A.S. Harper and Margot Quietwater on Amazon by any chance? I believe those two authors are the only ones (other than yourself) who outstandingly write in the “lesbians seducing straight women” niche.
Margot Quietwater and A.S. Harper combine excellent story-telling with incredible, intriguing lesbian seduction. Lesbian seduction is really the focus of what they do. Really awesome stuff. Their works are really thorough I would say, and well-written.
Travel Infinitum, I apologize for my tardy response! My site carrier is doing something different when I come to the dashboard that controls the site and normally shows me my messages. It instead shows none but I just found out if I go from the control dashboard to the site by clicking their link and then back again, the messages do pop up. Goofy. Not very functional. Anyway, my bad, sorry for the delay!
I have not read either on of those authors but I am now intrigued to do so. I am not only a writer of lesbian seduction, I am a huge fan.
Do you think you can write in a lesbian strapon pregnancy into this series?
Hello Richard! Please see my response below to Travel Infinitum as per why it took me so long to answer your question. I apologize.
I’ve wanted to do a strapon pregnancy storyline for some time now but have yet to get around to it. It will not happen this series. I have finished the 4th book but need to edit. It is a huge book — at least for me. My second longest ever.
I think I want the strapon pregnancy to be central to a series. Not just a final outcome, “Take that! Here’s a baby for your tummy!” I have a storyline outlined in my Book of Ideas that was inspired by a lesbian Strapon porn videos I saw. I’ve got some major projects stacked up in my To Do list right now though so it may be some time before I get there. But I love requests and this one is right up my alley.