Beautiful blonde Florus lives in a world of magic use and magical creatures. She is apprenticed to Healing magic and is due to become an independent Healer. As such, the Magic Guild will create a familiar for her, a magical creature to partner with her and serve and protect her.
Or not quite. Florus’s mom’s rival, the witch Sliphera, has died. Someone needs to adopt the dead witch’s orphaned familiar and by Magic Guild bylaw, it must be the next apprentice to graduate to independent practitioner. It has to be Florus!
Even though Florus’s mother is the Governess of the Magic Guild, she cannot prevent this from happening. Florus’s new familiar will be an old familiar, maybe several centuries old, one who wants to get far too familiar with Florus. And maybe with Florus’s mom as well?
Florus’s adopted familiar is a bright red sexy imp who refuses to wear clothes. That much is obvious, but Florus soon discovers that Alure, the horned demonic familiar, is a tiny dominant lesbian. Alure is horny both literally and figuratively. Alure thinks she should be the Mistress and that Florus must obey her! Florus disagrees… at first….
Savage sex in graphic detail with an actual plot set in a magical land with magical beasts, a land where magic is used sexually to seduce, to tame and train, and to enhance taboo pleasures.