Sydney is stuck in a cage in the neighbor’s mansion, the one that holds lesbian orgies. She is in a sticky situation and is literally sticky from her reactions. Sydney is now part of one of the orgies she set out to shut down! So are her mom and her older sister! Oh no! Oh wow! At least it can’t get any worse or any more wicked. Right? Wrong!
Sydney, her older sister, London, and her mother, Helena, must face their submissive lesbian fates. The dominant orgy lesbians have big plans for making them feel low and making them obey. Forever! Their best tool? Fantastic orgasms! But they have other tools, devious plans, and kinky tricks up their sleeves and up Sydney’s….
Can the lesbian dommes make London into a fulltime around the clock sex slave?
Can they transform London’s goodness into badness?
Can the Mistresses leave their mark on Helena, forever changing her, with no going back?
Can they make Helena put them first even before the wellbeing of her own daughters?
Can the neighbor dominatrix get Sydney to cruelly break up with her longtime boyfriend?
Can the lesbian dominants make Sydney into an adult “little girl” willing to do very adult things?
Great store don’t know how you do it but the store is complete.But then there is a feeling that there iis something more and the store could go on. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, William!!!
I do have a plot structured out for “Return to the Lesbian Orgy Next Door.” If I do it, it likely will not be until next year. I have other projects in the pipeline and/or committed to do certain storylines. I hope you like lesbian ponygirls!
What an great finale. Great story-telling and wonderful erotic suspense. I could almost see Sheila and Robina in their epic roles. You’ve got a wonderful formula. My wife and I have read this together and it’s been great fun!
I LOVE that you guys read it together and enjoy it with each other. I read about a place — I think it was Taiwan — when couples watch porn together (hardcore, not softcore) constantly, as in it is pretty much expected and common and accepted and an integral part of their love life. Sharing is caring and all that.