A new series! Lesbian BDSM, Seduction, Domination and Submission at its most intense! Three books but the books are standalone in that 1 is good on its own or 1+2 on their own. 2 or 3 on their own would not work. “The Hole in the Wall” leaves some questions but the subtitle helps set expectations: “Two Straight Women Enter, Two Submissive Lesbians Emerge” Enjoy and please leave a review!
I like the story. Not sure what will happen next but it probably outlined if not written.
You had mentioned somewhere you wanted ideas.
Here is one.
Young (33) elected county DA whose parents are say governor or senator of that state. She campaigned on getting rid of the seedy side of society like strip clubs, escorts and such. She has had success in focusing the establishments in the county that is ran by a female kingpin. She has a cousin in the islands that is a voodoo witch and involved in training some of her girls. The prosecutor’s boyfriend is fancy himself as a lady’s man.
With all the success the DA has had she can’t keep the businesses shut. But the success has hurt the kingpin’s money flow. The kingpin comes up with a scheme to get the DA to travel to the island where her cousin is under a pretext that she could find a route to prosecute to the kingpin. The DA’s ego is that she thinks she can investigate on her own with the help of her boyfriend. Voodoo for control of desire and behavior is used.
I hope you like this idea.