The 8th and final book in the “New Nude Neighbors” series.

Scarlett Hartley has struck a deal with her new dominant lesbian neighbors, the wicked mother and daughter white trash from Ohio, Francine and Felicia Sorrelson. Scarlett thinks she and her daughter, Sapphire, are now mostly safe from lesbian depredations. She thinks wrong! Francine and Felicia have no intent to keep their hands off the lovely blonde mother and daughter Hartley, their new neighbors in Tennessee. They plan to use the tentative détente as a tool to completely dominate the lovelies.
The Sorrelsons force a seemingly harmless “friendship date” to a drive-in theater. Where they intend to get extremely friendly indeed! If they can have their way there, they will bring the passionate reluctant mom and daughter back to their home and take complete advantage of them in ways most could not conceive.
All questions answered! All fates are sealed! Brace yourself for a shocking surprise ending!
Sexual submission! Intense sexy humiliation! So many orgasms!