Newly trained and graduated magical Healer, Florus, is struggling and losing out to sexual domination from her own familiar, the little demonic and all too sexy, Alure. Florus can’t help submitting to the inhuman no matter how wicked the sexual acts are and no matter how the relationship spells disaster for Florus’s future.
Arriving home, Florus’s mother, Rinnassa, and Rinnassa’s fairy familiar, Mysty, are waiting for them. Oh no! They will see the slutty outfits Florus and Alure wear! Just a short time span after Alure and Florus had twisted sex with Florus’s first patient!
Rinnassa’s suspicions are aroused and she sends Mysty to peep and find out more. Alure anticipates just such a thing and lays magical traps. Alure has the unsuspecting helplessly submissive Florus put on a show to arouse the peeping fairy who has no idea Alure is aware she is watching.
Can Alure make Florus into her sex pet even as Mysty watches?
Can Alure turn on Mysty with wicked naughtiness committed on the daughter of Mysty’s mistress? Can Alure catch Mysty with her traps?
Alure plans to cement her domination by making a permanent change to Florus’s body!
BDSM, body alteration, lesbian domination, sexual slavery, sex magic, and kinky seduction.
Hi Jordan,
I just noticed that Florus’s story is more or less over given that she is, at this point, stuck as Alure’s minion. How will our hero continue to evolve as the story progresses? Seems she is in a loop of being a lesbian submissive with no way of salvation.
Also, for an alternate scenario, if Rinnassa were to go in Mysty’s place instead, how would she react to things such as Alure talking dirty to Florus and riding her back? Would Rinnassa watch (intently) without doing a thing?
Florus is so innocent and yet compelled to act so sluttily that I am not nearly done with her. She will still have some upcoming reluctance.
Rinnassa is a women of action, though she may not always wisely choose the best action. I have a plan for hos she becomes aware of Florus’s situation and how much awareness she achieves. It will be a while before we get there.