Book 16 in the “Teen Lesbians Taking Over” series.
Those stupid yet all too clever, funny but totally immoral, hillbilly coed lesbians, Deb and Shan, are at it again. Ongoing domination of the Owned and fresh first domination of the about-to-be-Owned.
They have Nala and Atasha, the young African-American lovelies, at their mercy. But they don’t have any mercy!
Nala and Ataha will learn that to their great discomfort, humiliation, and arousal, too.
Deb and Shan are ready to begin on a new project. Three new projects! The first project is an addition to the back yard at The Ranch. That project is worked on by Project #2 and Project #3 themselves: the mother and daughter, Margot and Kinsley Dillon. Two lovely brunettes good with their hands. The hillbilly lesbians intend to take them over and make them be good with other body parts besides their hands.
As always, I had a lot of fun writing this book. It may be a little too intense for some. You’ve been warned!

Owners Deb and Shan have wicked plan to bring a new mother and daughter in range of their dominant lesbian clutches. Margot Dillon and her daughter, Kinsley, have a new landscaping contract at The Ranch. Little do they know who they’ve contracted with. A contract with dominating lesbian hillbillies is as bad as a contract with the Devil himself.
The hillbilly coeds, Deb and Shan, have the young African-American girls, Nala and Atasha, under their thumb and have shockingly callous demands of them. However, enough is never enough to lesbian hillbillies. They want to Own another mother and daughter pair!
The Owners lovely young women they Own through their paces and through the wringer as well! They also plan to add to their harem of female beauty with the lovely new mother and daughter, this time whites as a change of pace.
Margot and Kinsley each, in their own way, quickly discover the nature of Deb and Shan. But will awareness of the sexual danger help them avoid it? Just how susceptible to lesbian temptation are the beautiful mother and daughter?
Can Deb and Shan seduce and dominate the mother with the daughter nearby?
Can Deb and Shan seduce and dominate the daughter with the mother nearby?
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This book and this series, as stated in bold above, “may be too intense for some. You’ve been warned!”
Yes. Nonetheless (all the more?), I read it … and re-read it … as I have all the books in this series. As warned, this book and this series are intense.
That trigger warning is definitely warranted. The book and series feature the racial and sexual domination and humiliation, exploitation and manipulation, degradation and subjugation of Black and White women and girls, mothers and daughters, by White ‘hillbilly’ teen girls.
Triggers aplenty in all that. Hard to say what could or would be a bigger trigger in all that. Or maybe like a trigger on a semi-automatic assault weapon pulled to spew and spray numerous bullets at numerous targets.
As a Black mother with daughters, I was/am triggered by this book and series. As portrayed by characters in the book and the series, I strayed into this and have stayed … reeling, feeling illicit and complicit … splayed, displayed and self-betrayed … conflicted, afflicted and addicted … Bereft but aloft by what’s left to hide … And such an outrageous, sensuous, sui generis wild ride!