Young adult Sapphire Hartley did not want to have her strange new neighbor, Felicia, over for a sleepover. But her mom pressured her to welcome the odd young woman into their home because Sapphire’s mom was pressured by Felicia’s mom. Now Sapphire is stuck in her bedroom with the weird girl and things are getting weirder and more hardcore sexual by the minute. It’s a lesbian nightmare for heterosexual Sapphire. Except for all the amazing orgasms.
Sapphire is no lesbian but Felicia is breaking her down and working her over and changing her to suit Felicia’s whims. Felicia’s domination brings Sapphire’s submission to the surface of her nude body. Felicia is arousing freaky needs in lovely Sapphire. There isn’t much sleeping during this sleepover!
Felicia also has her eyes on Sapphire’s mom. Felicia’s diabolical dominance leads to the most alarming, most bizarre, and most arousing breakfast of Sapphire and Scarlett Hartley’s life.