Can a diabolical lesbian mastermind sexually dominate and take over an entire team of lovelies?

A wealthy heiress has recruited female athletes and female support staff to start a new women’s sport. She arranges them into two teams, The Angels and The Ugly Ducklings. Half of the sixteen women are lovely beauties and the other half… are not. They are required to live in a small domed stadium for a year while working out the kinks in the new sport. But is the wealthy heiress actually out to start a new sport? She and her “uglies” seem more interested in working their kinks on the beauties than they do working out kinks in the new sport!
One of the unsuspecting beauties, a pretty athletic trainer named Willow, is required to room with a former “professional” wrestler named Anna who’s wrestler ring name is Anna-conda. The Anna-conda wants to capture the pretty athletic trainer in her grip, squeeze and constrict her, and do a whole lot more besides!
Will Anna-conda bend Willow to her will? Can Willow escape the vise grip of Anna-conda and avoid the diabolical scheme?