Lesbian Seduction and Domination in Public and the Black Mother and Daughter Keep Taking Advantage Despite Reluctance
Book 13 in the “Teen Lesbians Taking Over” series.
This book is eventful and action-packed! (That means it’s full of wicked crazy sex, almost cover to cover.)
The African-American MILF, Kalindi Bushrod, has made startling progress in regressing poor Nala but, hey, anyone can be seduced, spanked, treated like a pony, and ridden like a sex animal. It happens! But twice? That would be really bad. Can Nala resist?
Takira Bushrod needs to seduce and dominate the other friend, small and enthusiastic, adorable Atasha. Takira has Atasha right where she wants to take advantage of her. Really? Out at the mall? What lesbian submissive slave can seduce and dominate a heterosexual girl out in public? Takira is going to give it her best try and you will be amazed.
The mother and daughter submissives work hard against the best interests of their friends and against their own good natures all for the lustful sexual whim of their Owners: two dominant racist hillbilly coed lesbians from West Virginia!

The two lovely young adult friends, Nala and Atasha, have moved in with the African-American mother and daughter pair, the Bushrods, who they thought were being kind but actually have wicked plans for them at the behest of the Bushrods’ white Owners. Daughter Bushrod is out to seduce Atasha but, can she do it in public out at the mall? Mother Bushrod seeks to cement her new sexual control of Nala by taking her for an after-midnight ride in the back yard.
Nala and Atasha, two great friends, are on rough times despite their great looks. It’s hard to find decent employment without a college education. Kalindi and Takira threw them a lifeline but it is really a lasso to make them into lesbian sex ponies. Now that they’ve moved in at The Ranch, they are subject to the Bushrods’ manipulations and control.
The plan was to divide and conquer them. Kalindi Bushrod, a sexy MILF Owned by the white racist hillbillies, seduced and dominated Nala at The Ranch. She heated Nala up while they were in the kitchen cooking and then cooked her into a state of utter submission.
Takira’s task is a more difficult one. How can she seduce – and dominate! – Atasha out at the mall? If she finds a way, can heterosexual Atasha resist her longtime friend who is now controlled by racist white lesbians?
At The Ranch, what can Mrs. Bushrod get Nala to do next? Will Nala, after midnight, allow Mrs. Bushrod to ride her hard in the back yard? Will she be put away wet?
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As a Black professional woman with two daughters around the ages of Takira, Nala and Atasha, I astonished and anguished at how shamefully, powerfully arousing I’ve found this series. As a feminist, anti-racist professor, I find it utterly inexplicable and despicable. Nevertheless, in spite and yet also precisely because of that, however sick and afflicted I may be, I am slick and addicted to this degrading saga. And that’s the most infuriating and humiliating thing of all. Appalled but enthralled.
Vanessa, I am very happy to meet you and I am grateful for your feedback. It humbles me.
I care deeply for all of my characters, as much as one can people from imagination. The “good guys” and the “bad guys”. Developing realistic characters is at my core. How can anyone care about the “good girl” if we do not know her and like her? How can anyone care about the “bad girl” if we cannot understand what drives her to do what she does?
I make real people, in most ways, and then put them in fantastical unreal situations. But, it needs to seem unreal and yet realistic as well. Like it could just possibly really happen or maybe already has or is happening right now, somewhere, in the great big world. Tough trick sometimes.
So, just so you know, I love women. Love love love. I love my characters too. There are those who would say I am a racist due to what I write and because I sometimes have racist characters or, yes, at times portray negative racial stereotypes. But you’d never know it if you met me in real life and I don’t feel racist and know that I am not. In some of my books you will see blacks (or another minority) dominate whites and in other you will read about whites dominating minorities. So, if one if racist, then the others must also be which means I am racist against whites, blacks, and all colors and variety.
In “Ridden Hard in the Back Yard”, essentially Nala and Atasha are the “good guys”. (As are Kalindi and Takira Bushrod actually) They are manipulated and sexually mistreated by whites, yet they are the good guys and the whites are the bad guys. In a sense, if anything, this makes me racist against whites.
Race adds something, something extra, an added element to erotica. It can be made to make the taboo even more naughty, especially if racism is involved. The forbidden is attractive or at least interesting. Outside of incest and bestiality, not much is as taboo and forbidden as giving in sexually to someone of another race who disrespects your own race. So, in these books, the heroines give more of themselves, sacrifice more, and the evil characters are, in a sense, greater underdogs in accomplishing their nasty missions.
I am absolutely not surprised that a feminist, anti-racist person is aroused by what I write and you should feel no shame. Almost all, or possibly all (all the ones I’ve gotten to know), of my readers are great wonderful people. Usually super smart as well. This is not a surprise at all.
Sexually, we are often mirror images of our public self, at least superficially. I don’t mean that a good person is a bad person regarding sex. Who goes to dommes and pays to be dominated? CEOs, lawyers, people usually in charge. Who is aroused, somehow, by the unfair and outrageous and the nasty? Fair-minded just people, steady and dependable in real life, and those full of goodness.
I have zero doubts that you are a fantastic wonderful person and a credit to your family and community and profession.
I am also, despite what I write.
I’m just finishing an edit on the next book in the series, an extra long one, and it should publish by sometime Friday (a guess, not a promise). It was a unique challenge to write this book because, for the first time, I do a scene twice, once from Nala’s point of view and once from Atasha’s point of view, both of them getting sexually used at breakfast by the Bushrods but unaware of what is going on with the other one. I think it turned out really hot. By the end you will see the plot by the white hillbillies Shan and Deb fully. You will see how they plan to take over control of Nala and Atasha in really hot ways.