Mysty the dragonfly fairy is in quite a predicament!
She was a familiar for her mistress, Rinnassa the beautiful sorceress. Right up until Rinnassa sent her on a mission to spy on Rinnassa’s adult daughter, Florus, and Florus’s new demonic familiar, Alure. Mysty saw such things! Alure dominating Rinnassa’s daughter! Sexually!
Mysty kept the secret of Rinnassa’s daughter’s lowly, humiliating, sexual domination to her own nasty little familiar. When Mysty returned to spy again, excited to see more of the naughty things, Alure cast a spell on her, entrapping Mysty to serve Alure in all ways.
Mysty no longer has a little m mistress. Mysty now has a big M Mistress! Even though her new Mistress is little. Her mistress is a force for good, but her new Mistress is a force for wickedness!
Mysty has always been super good and sweet. She is a lovely and kind fairy! But now the spell on her is changing her desires and urges, slowly making her as lusty and evil as Alure.
Little Alure has big naughty plans for Rinnassa. She has the daughter and now wants the mother! Little Alure plans to use little Mysty to carry out her big seduction and big domination of Rinnassa who is renowned for her big breasts!
One familiar has already dominated her user of magic. Can Mysty do the same to her user of magic? Will Mysty betray Rinnassa after two decades of loyalty and successful adventures? Will Mysty like doing naughty things to Rinnassa? Will Rinnassa like getting dominated?
First time lesbian, lesbian virginity, BDSM, sadomasochism, domination and submission, sexual punishment, orgasm denial, and more.