Two blonde sisters, engaged Maddy and married Bailey, go to a massage parlor to use gift cards for a free massage that Maddy’s soon to be Mother-In-Law gave to them. They have no idea the wicked Mother-In-Law has set them up for lesbian domination at the strong hands of two big black women and an Asian woman.
They are to receive the “Ultimate Massage” for free but it is far more ultimate than they ever could have imagined and will cost them a lot more than they ever could have thought. The free massage may cost them their freedom!
Before they understand the trap they’ve been led into Maddy and Bailey are separated and find themselves nude, in bondage, and beginning to feel too much submission for their own good.
Can Maddy and Bailey resist the temptations forced on them? Will Bailey and Maddy find interracial lesbian sex, even if reluctant at first, to be far more arousing than heterosexual sex?
Can the three cruel lesbian masseuses control the sisters and force them to orgasm so many times they can never turn back?