Anne-Marie, the rules enforcing authority on the dorm floor, receives a noise complaint about Rosalie the Lesbian Stalker’s dorm room. The sound of loud sex! Anne-Marie investigates thinking where there’s sex there must be boys violating dorm code.
Anne-Marie sure won’t find any boys… but she will find lots of sex….
Rosalie the Lesbian Stalker hunted, seduced, and tamed three young women into becoming her roommate sex pets. She transformed her dorm room into her personal sexual paradise.
However, trouble knocks on Rosalie’s door at four in the morning and her name is Anne-Marie. She is the Resident Assistant and has the authority to kick Rosalie out of the dorms.
The problem of Anne-Marie could actually be an opportunity. Anne-Marie is a beauty!
Rosalie is a believer that when life gives you lemons you squeeze them hard and make lemonade. Can she put the squeeze on Anne-Marie and, if she can, what form could the “lemonade” take?
The lesbian stalker will stalk again….