Rich bratty adult socialite, Dorothe, has already made all too much seductive progress with her bodyguard, sexy ex-cop, Bellamy, and seeks to dominate her completely. Can Bellamy keep her sexuality and her independence safe while at the same time keeping the sexual predator trying to prey on her safe?
Bellamy faces several types of danger now!

Bellamy Wood, ex-cop private detective, reluctantly persuaded to be a personal bodyguard, is on a year-long contract to guard a spoiled young adult socialite, bratty Dorothe Gerbach. The problems are many: Dorothe’s many enemies, Dorothe’s penchant for making more enemies, and Dorothe’s passion as a predatory lesbian seductress who wants to add Bellamy to her stable of submissive women who will do anything for her.
Bellamy’s worst problem is herself. She finds herself submitting to Dorothe’s will far too much and doing things she’d never dreamed of doing. And allowing things to be done to her that she’d never dreamed she’d permit….
Bellamy faces physical danger from those out to harm Dorothe and the emotional risk of becoming someone who might enjoy being used and abused by the wealthy lesbian temptress.
Bellamy tries to maintain her dignity and independence while Dorothe seeks to manipulate, control, and remake Bellamy into a useful sexual creature.
Can Bellamy protect herself while protecting Dorothe?
Can Dorothe make Bellamy into her sexual possession?
Can Dorothe make Bellamy love what Bellamy thinks she hates?
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I like the idea of Bell Bell being a chauffeur in disguise. A submissive sexy one. Nothing sexual as it is only a disguise. An act. I can imagine her dressed in hot pNts, heels and a corset with an open jacket. Of course with a collar with a bell hanging from it to match her name would complete the outfit. Not sure about her hair though.
In the writing you mentioned the height difference between Bell and Dorthe. It is hard to remembers details like that over several weeks. I think an occasional description in the story to remind the reader would be good.
You’re totally right about height difference reminders and even hair color or style reminders and such. I’ll try to do better at working them in. It isn’t hard, it is just hard to remember to do it.
I want, someday, to do mirror image style series. Not in every detail, but mirrored in theme. In one, the servants are hired really due to their sexiness and their employer proceeds to seduce all of them, all over the mansion and grounds. She hired a staff and a lesbian harem! In the other the servants are all dominant women all out to take control of the heiress. Both would have a female chauffeur though they’d have opposing natures.