The new maid, Josefina, succumbed once to Mistress Dorothe’s advances and what a once it was! Terrible and wonderful at the same time. Josefina isn’t even a lesbian! If she was, she would not want to be a submissive one and would want nothing to do with a racist. But it is what it is. It happened. Now what? Mistress Dorothe no longer has the element of surprise and Josefina has no intention of submitting again. However, Dorothe has many other elements other than surprise on her side….
Josefina tries to deal with her mixed-up self before trying to deal with the cruel spoiled young heiress, Dorothe.
Will Josefina follow her new Mistress’s nasty instructions once she gets home? Will Josefina return to the honeymoon suite of temptation and submission now that she understands what awaits her?
If Josefina does return, will Mistress Dorothe and her sexy bodyguard have a new, even more intensely sexy way of searching Josefina for possible weapons?
Josefina isn’t sure if she wants to never see Mistress Dorothe again, wants to kill her, or wants to sexually submit to her.
A big problem is that Mistress Dorothe wants more than simple sexual submission. She desires all of Josefina all the time and intends to control, and probably ruin, Josefina’s entire life.
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