A sexy young adult police officer, redheaded Rosetta walked into Mistress Dorothe’s honey trap honeymoon suite for her second job interview to become a female bodyguard for the wealthy socialite. Since walking in, she’s done very little walking! Well, not on two feet….
Exactly how, cough cough, in-depth is this interview?
Bellamy has seduced and dominated Rosetta and, as Mistress Dorothe’s pawn, she has more on the menu. A tasty menu! But quickly, it will no longer just be the two of them and simple monogamous domination and submission. Mistress Dorothe is about to make her grand entrance!
How will Rosetta react to Bellamy’s bizarre sexual requests / orders?
How will Rosetta react to Mistress Dorothe walking in on them with Rosetta in an incredibly humiliating position?
What does Mistress Dorothe intend to do to her? To her body, to her mind, and to her soul?
Will Rosetta get the job? Will Rosetta still want to be Mistress Dorothe’s second bodyguard once she knows what she must submit to day after day?
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