I published IS7 and it turned out it was put in what is known anecdotally as the Amazon books “Dungeon”. This is where books are placed to die a quiet death, published but they will not come up on searches and no one can buy them.
A fan alerted me to this, that they could not buy it on amazon.com.uk but went to the us amazon and got it there. I sent an email to amazon alerting them to the issue and… they promptly put it in the “Dungeon” in the US also! I think they misunderstood my concern….
I then discovered this was not a malfunction but a purposeful “dungeoning”. There is another site that reveals if they’ve done this to you. Amazon will not actually tell you. I then unpublished the book and did a new one with changes. I did this seven or eight more times with changes to the cover, title, subtitle, series name, front matter, back matter, and to the actual content. I re-wrote the book! (Well, not the whole book, just what parts I thought might set them off including an entire chapter.) Amazon will not tell you what you’ve done wrong so it is all trial and error.
So, as of today, February 11, it is back, but altered, but no longer in the “Dungeon”. But… altered. Now, it is still hot and I hope you will agree well-written and well-plotted. I like my lesbian seduction and domination to have plot and characters!
However, I feel a little like you fans are cheated. I did some first time (for me) stuff in that controversial Chapter 3. amazon has their rules and has their reasons and it is their platform. There house, their rules, right?
This web site… this is the house that I built!
So, here it is: the infamous Chapter Three !
(You may want to get the book and then switch to here for the Chapter Three when you get to it and then switch back to the book.)
So, first, here is the book it would have been in:

Okay, now here is Chapter Three:
Chapter Three
Mistress Shereen set and aimed the rubber cock at Megan’s pussy entrance and then slid home. Megan’s pussy welcomed it. It would have thrown a parade for it if it could have. It was great to have it back inside her. Instead of the original way-too-stuffed feeling it was more like she no longer felt half-empty.
Megan tried to bounce her pussy up to meet Mistress Shereen’s thrusts but it was difficult. It didn’t matter, it felt great. There really was something about being all helpless, especially folded and scrunched, that was a huge turn-on. Mistress Shereen could do anything to her and who knew what she would do. The concept was incredibly arousing. Megan’s mind lit up with possibilities. The worst case was if Mistress Shereen again denied her orgasm over and over. Anything but that!
Megan’s normally pretty vanilla sexual ideas became a rainbow Neapolitan of nasty sex as Mistress Shereen drilled her powerfully.
Despite all the foreign and nasty sexual ideas that thrust into Megan’s mind she failed to conceive of the one that was really going to happen.
There was no way that Megan’s good mind, no matter how full of lust, could have considered such a possibility!
Mistress Shereen really slammed it home and breathed heavily and raggedly. Megan hoped Mistress Shereen didn’t have a heart attack! Megan would be stuck under her or at least bound next to the dead body.
It might be a while before Deka came looking for them and who knew what she’d do to Megan if she found her helpless. Probably couldn’t do worse than what Mistress Shereen was doing though. Or better. Whichever.
God help her, even that idea, the idea of Deka also helping herself to Megan, turned her on. It would be going from one end of the age spectrum, way-too-old, to the other end, way-too-young. Her pussy clamped down on Mistress Shereen’s cock.
“You want my cum, Tit Slut?”
“Do. You. Fucking. Want. My. Cum.” Shereen punctuated each word with a cock slam to her pussy.
“Yes. No! I mean– Wait, what do you mean!?!”
“Tell me you want my cum!”
Megan thought this was some kind of game. Probably. Maybe. Wait. Obviously this was a game. The cock was fake. She saw Mistress Shereen strap the damn thing on. Of course it was fake. There could be no cum. If there was any possible doubt the sheer size of the thing made it evidently clear the darn thing was fake.
So, fine, she’d play along. Tit Sluts had to do whatever pleased their Mistresses. Especially when an orgasm may be at stake!
“I want your cum!”
“Tell me you want my cum filling up your pussy!”
“I want you to fill my Tit Slut pussy with Mistress cum!”
“Tell me you want me to be your Baby Daddy!”
Whoa, this was getting nasty weird. First Mistress Shereen had called herself Momma Shereen and now she wanted to be the Tit Slut’s Baby Daddy? Well, Tit Slut’s shouldn’t judge!
“I want… okay, all right, I want you to fill me up. Put your baby batter in me. Make a baby in me. I want to have your baby. For you, Mistress Shereen!”
Megan thought it was all in play. She hoped it was. She thought it must be pretend. How couldn’t it be?
Megan felt Mistress Shereen twist about like she was reaching around behind her and then was shocked when she felt… something!… shooting inside her pussy. Like a wet pulsing stream. Like if a real cock really did cum inside you and came so powerfully you really could feel it!
Like that… but it couldn’t really be anything like that, could it?
Megan felt a disconnected panic but also some wicked lust at the very idea of being filled up with actual cum. Her body acted like it was cum and her mind grabbed onto the idea as the walls of her pussy flexed and tried to grab onto that rubber cock.
This stranger, this old fucker of a black woman, this asshole bitch, trying to make her think she was being filled with real sperm! Outrageous! How dumb did Mistress Shereen think Tit Sluts were?
That level of scorn, total disrespect of her intelligence, really did make Megan feel like a dumb Tit Slut. Feeling like a Tit Slut made Megan feel like a creature of sex and lust and nothing else.
Megan climaxed. She felt soaring pleasure, intense relief, and transcendent gratitude.
Her orgasm was physical but it was magnified exponentially by the mental and the emotional. It was all so outrageous it just turned her on.
Her climaxing pussy flexed and rolled, milked the fake cock, and pushed the injected fluids in waves up into her womb.
Shereen held the big fake cock deep inside Megan and to Megan it felt alive and like it still kept cumming. It felt like a real giant cock totally emptying its balls. Megan, dimly, still wasn’t sure if this sensation was all in her mind or if maybe there was some fluid that Mistress Shereen shot into her somehow through the rubber cock.
Shereen looked down on the white woman rippling in orgasm. It looked like waves of sensation were lapping through her and it made Shereen imagine waves of semen lapping inside the woman. This would get the Tit Slut pregnant for sure. As far as she was concerned, mission accomplished.
That big blonde bitch Gretchen had told her that Megan was at the exact perfect time of her month to get her pregnant. Shereen figured those big white dominant ladies, Gretchen and Lydia, must have been watching Megan Reynolds in great detail on all those hidden cameras in order to have that kind of information.
That Gretchen bitch told Shereen to go ahead and make Megan pregnant. Gretchen had told her days ago she’d need to do it and told her how to make it happen. Shereen, of course, had to obtain sperm. Lots of sperm. She had an uncle, a real bastard, in poor health, who’d said his biggest regret was never having had another kid. He’d had kids but he still wanted one more. He had his twisted reason for that also.
Not that he ever actually raised a kid. He only made them happen.
Well, it was damn good he hadn’t raised any. Cranky asshole bastard! Total criminal! Even more of a criminal than Shereen and her three housemates who’d all spent time in Federal prison. The kids he had produced all ended up menaces to society. But he still wanted one more little menace to society. Not that Shereen gave a shit about society.
Her uncle did have two good things going for him. He had a niece, Shereen, who needed sperm to impregnate a white woman. Also, he had powerful sperm that had already proved itself highly effective in making girls and women impregnate. Thus producing a high quantity of children even if their quality seemed quite lacking.
Her uncle was lucky but so was Shereen. Shereen would have had to pay anyone else for sperm or maybe would have had to rob a sperm bank. Her uncle was happy to supply it for free with the promise of a possible extra child. He didn’t care about never seeing them. Old bastard likely wasn’t going to live another year anyway.
Her uncle, given half a dozen days, supplied a whole lot of sperm. By direction of Gretchen, Shereen even had it tested to make sure he hadn’t somehow lost his potency in his old age. They were swimmers all right. High sperm count and great motility whatever the fuck motility was.
Good thing Gretchen didn’t care what color the baby was!
So now Shereen had done it. She didn’t know why Gretchen wanted the Tit Slut knocked up but Shereen sure didn’t mind doing it. It was fun.
It was a story she could tell her grandchildren. Or, in this case, what, her cousin, right? Once the youngster got old enough. If Shereen was still alive by then. She wasn’t feeling all that spry nowadays either. Uncle would certainly go through the pearly gates before her but Shereen wasn’t sure how many years she’d have before following him through.
Ha! Pearly gates! Who was she trying to fool? Neither one of them had any pearly gates in their futures!
Their family was short-lived. As far as she could tell. Few died of actual old age so there wasn’t much to go on. Usually it was violence or drug overdose or violence in and around drug use, abuse, and sales. Shereen and her uncle were the survivors of the family. The best of the worst.
Shereen took great pride in impregnating this Tit Slut. It was a nice little claim to fame. Maybe she’d think about it on her deathbed.
Shereen thought about all those little sperm up inside Megan. They had a mission. Time to hit the beaches. Or the bitches. Or, in this case, the Tit Bitch. Only one would win and the rest would lose. Like a sperm lottery. Crazy.
It had actually been pretty easy in hindsight. Get the sperm. Keep it in the fridge. Load it in the fake ball-sack attached to the specialized rubber cock Gretchen supplied. Reach back and squeeze the ball-sack when the Tit Slut came. Keep pumping the fake cock and keep squeezing the fake ball-sack to get as much out and into the Tit Slut as possible. Every million sperm counted!
Maybe the only tricky part was getting the Tit Slut to eagerly agree to be impregnated but that hadn’t really been hard, had it? Shereen hadn’t seen the necessity for that. Agreement? She didn’t need any stinking agreement! But Gretchen had made her wishes clear.
The agreement and also to wait until the Tit Slut orgasmed before blasting the cum into her. Gretchen said when women orgasm their vagina ripples muscular contractions upwards to increase the odds of getting pregnant.
Shereen thought that was funny. Vagina ripples? No need for them. She didn’t need no stinking “vagina ripples” either! This rubber cock with the hollow center tube and opening at the top was so damn big the sperm must have arrived already right on top of this Tit Slut’s egg. Her egg must be soaked in uncle sperm by now!
After a minute of keeping the cock in the Tit Slut like a cum plug Shereen pulled out with a satisfied sigh. She pulled back and slapped Megan’s bondage raised butt, “Congratulations, Tit Slut!”
Megan was coming back to herself. Oh my, what had Shereen done to her!?! She could feel lots of… stuff… running out of her pussy. It wasn’t her imagination! Shereen really had somehow shot a bunch of stuff into her pussy. Megan hoped it wasn’t anything harmful or toxic. “You… you! What did you do!?!”
“You know what I did bitch. Gave you a baby.”
“What? No you didn’t! You can’t! You’re a woman!”
Shereen cackled, “You a sexist Tit Slut, ain’t you? Thinking a gal can’t get a Tit Slut all preggers and all. This is the modern day. Gals just as good as menfolk. We can get Tit Sluts pregnant, too.”
“But… how?”
“Well, I did have to go borrow some baby batter, no doubt ’bout that.”
Megan just couldn’t get her mind around it, “How could you do something like that? I mean, without my agreement.”
“Oh, you did agree. Yes, you did. You maybe don’t remember how you said – and I quote! — “Make a baby in me. I want to have your baby. For you, Mistress Shereen!” Shereen said it with a raised extra-girlish voice that did not sound at all like Megan.
Megan did remember saying that now. In the heat of the moment. But not seriously!
“But… but… I don’t even know you! I have three adult daughters! All my children are full grown. I’m done having kids!”
“Well, no, you’re not. Now it’ll be, what, 18 years and nine months or so until all your kids are full grown.”
“Oh, my God! You can’t just… get someone pregnant! Being a mother is hard work! You’re obviously not going to be around to help. I wouldn’t even want you to be!”
“Well then, if you don’t want me around and I’m not going to be around – yeah, you’re right, I won’t be, I don’t do that child-rearing shit – then you got nothing to complain about, do you? Way I see it, I’ve done my part. You feel all that hard work I did grunting and groaning on top of you? That was my part and that don’t even count going out and getting all that man cream for you. I did that and now you carry that baby varmint for nine months, birth it, breast feed it I guess, and raise it for eighteen years. There, all fair and it all works out in the end. We both do our parts. Just that I already did mine and you still need to hold up your end of the bargain.”
“Bargain? Bargain! I can’t believe you did that!”
“Hey, you asked me to, remember? I just obliged.”
“But you told me to ask you to!”
“Yeah, so, you still asked. I gave you what you wanted. And then you knew I was shooting off in your pussy and you kept cumming as hard as I’ve ever seen any bitch cum. You got off on it. Well, turns out that cum is gonna have a price to pay. That’s what you get.”
“Wait a minute! Whose sperm is this?”
“Don’t matter. Done it done. Well, okay, just so you can prepare yourself and choose decorations and outfits and whatnot, that there is black man sperm in your pussy.”
A black baby! She was going to maybe end up having a black baby!?!
“I’m going to have a black baby?!?”
“No, no, no, no you’re not.”
Megan felt a momentary surge of misplaced relief.
Shereen explained, “Not unless you’re some albino African-American. Otherwise your baby gonna be only half-black. Just think, all them tiny honkies swimming around up in you competing for your egg! Just think!”
Megan still couldn’t believe it. Shereen didn’t care what she’d done. No, worse, she was smirking!
Megan felt like a total fool of a Tit Slut. She had traded a pregnancy, a future birth, and parenthood of a new child all for an orgasm.
One damn orgasm! One!
Sure, it had been the best orgasm of her life. Her pussy was still pulsing and hot. It had been great. It had better be the best considering the price! She still didn’t really believe it. Maybe Mistress Shereen was joking in a cruel way.
She did admit to herself that thinking Mistress Shereen was trying to get her pregnant at the end there as she came had really turned her on. Heck, the idea the sperm, the “tiny honkies” as Mistress Shereen put it, were swimming around in her seeking out and no doubt finding and fertilizing her egg was turning her on right then. It should be horrifying. It was horrifying! But… it was also turning her on.
Megan almost wished Mistress Shereen would fuck her again and squirt another load inside her. It was a horrible thought… but maybe if she told Mistress Shereen that she better make sure…?
Megan tried to excuse her terrible thinking. If she was going to get pregnant from this encounter then it really would be best to get two orgasms instead of just one. Right? Right!?! Two was twice as many as one!
The pregnancy cost on a per orgasm basis would be halved!
She looked from the wet rubber cock still dripping fluids up to Mistress Shereen’s face. Mistress Shereen had a lot of wrinkles and she was still breathing quite hard. Mistress Shereen was pretty old. Megan thought it best to let her rest awhile before trying to tempt her to fuck again.
Then, if she was going to get pregnant she may as well try to get a second orgasm out of the deal, hopefully as good as the last one. That had really been something! If Mistress Shereen was using her to make a baby then she had every right to use Mistress Shereen to get another orgasm.
She thought back to the moments before Mistress Shereen shot that load of black man sperm in her. To when Megan’s orgasm was imminent. If she’d known that Shereen was going to do that and had the power to make her pull out, would she have stopped it? Or… would she have let it happen in order to get that orgasm?
Megan admitted to herself that she would not have stopped the impregnation even though she knew she was going to regret all this. She regretted becoming pregnant, if that truly did happen, but she could never fully regret that orgasm no matter the cost.
She wasn’t convinced that she was pregnant but she was convinced that Mistress Shereen really had blasted actual sperm into her. A lot had leaked back out and she could smell it. She hadn’t been with a man for a couple years but there was no mistaking that smell.
Megan had a sudden “get out of jail free” thought. Maybe this sperm wasn’t even fertile!
She was not surprised at the potential relief that thought brought but was surprised at the disappointment it also brought. She recalled actually enjoying her times pregnant with the girls. The anticipation. The nurturing. The changes in her body. Being pregnant again, while a total disaster, also really wouldn’t be the worst thing possible.
She ventured the question about sperm fertility while still bound and folded in place, her ankles over her ears, “Mistress Shereen… is this sperm maybe… not fertile? Maybe?”
That actually made Shereen laugh, “The one thing in this world I don’t worry about is shooting no blanks. I got you the very highest caliber sperm I assure you my fine Tit Slut. You are gonna be a mommy again! In fact, you, or the kid I guess, is going to break the tie!”
“The tie?”
“The sperm donor has eighteen kids. I can’t remember a lot of their names but I know it’s eighteen. At least. For sure. Could be more I don’t know about and that he also don’t know about. Hell, most likely are. Of the eighteen, nine are full on black but the other nine are half-black and half something else. Not always white. One’s half-Laotian. Three half-Hispanic. All sorts of combinations. Obviously yours won’t be full on black so he or she is going to break the tie.”
Megan’s mouth fell open again.
Shereen continued, “When your baby is born I’m sure I won’t be around. But you still need to obey me. If it’s a boy you name him Terrence. If it’s a girl you name her Sharice. Got that? Say those names Tit Slut Momma-to-be.”
“Terrence. Sharice.”
Suddenly Megan wondered what her daughters would think of little Terrence or little Sharice in about nine months. Her cheeks flushed. Would she tell them she was trying to save them from lesbians and ended up getting impregnated by an old black lesbian security guard she barely knew?
That made her remember her mission.
“Shereen. Mistress Shereen. I have to get going. My, um, daughters.”
“No, no. You relax here awhile. You look pretty happy right there like that. Your daughters are full grown. They can take care of themselves. Let those little white honkies up in you do their work.”
“But, Mistress Shereen–”
“That’s why I got you in this position. Supposedly you more likely to get pregnant this way. That’s what I heard.” Shereen had actually heard that from Gretchen when getting her instructions. Again, she doubted her uncle’s sperm needed the help but Gretchen paid the bills.
Megan felt a desperate need to get out of this situation. If Mistress Shereen was doing this to help make sure she got pregnant then there must be some chance she wasn’t! Megan felt great urgency to get up and try to clean herself out.
“Please, Mistress Shereen. I have to go. Right now! I… have to go to the bathroom!”
“I’m not letting you up unless it’s something important. Like maybe if the house is engulfed in fire. Maybe then. Only maybe. Peeing isn’t important. Nothing you do six or seven times a day can be all that important.”
“Look, I have to talk to my daughters right away. Right now. It’s… an emergency!”
“Talk about what?”
“That’s… well, that’s private!”
Shereen clearly knew Megan was trying to game her, “If it is so important then I guess I could go get one of your daughters or, fuck, all three of them and bring them over here to talk with you and hear what you got to say. I’ll bring ’em right up here to this bed and you won’t even have to get up. Have to? Hell, you couldn’t even if you wanted to. You can still tell them whatever “private” thing you need to tell them.”
“Er, ah, no thanks. Never mind, Mistress Shereen.”
“Thought so.”
Shereen got off the bed and walked up to the head of the bed and leaned forward so the fake cock reached Megan’s mouth. It was an easy reach due to the length of the thing. Megan could see milky streaks on the rubber cock head and down the sides. Now she could see the hole at the top center that allowed the sperm to travel from that fake ball-sack. Megan could smell the sperm even better – or worse! – with it so near.
Megan knew what Mistress Shereen wanted her to do. She cleaned it with her mouth without having to be told.
Whatever Mistress Shereen wanted.
Then Shereen pulled it free of Megan’s mouth when she felt Megan had cleaned it enough. Tit Sluts didn’t get to decide when they were done. Mistresses did.
Mistress Shereen took off the strap-on.
Shereen hopped back up on the bed. She wide-walked to get her pussy to Megan’s mouth. She pressed her pussy down and Megan had no where to go. The metal tube “headboard” had no give.
Even if she could escape physically she still wouldn’t be able to escape. Not from her own submission. They both knew Megan would do whatever Shereen decided she would do. It didn’t matter that Megan felt betrayed, worried, and angry about this whole impregnation thing. Her reluctance just did not matter.
Megan actively orally pleased the woman who plotted to impregnate her even as she knew those sperm were in her getting her pregnant.
Megan did a good job and Shereen had an excellent orgasm.
Then Shereen hopped back down off the bed and got dressed if putting her panties back on could be considered getting dressed.
Shereen went and found Megan’s cell phone in a back pocket of Megan’s shorts. She knew exactly how to use it as it was exactly the same as the one Gretchen had given each of the guards. She knew Megan’s daughter’s names and phone numbers – good to be prepared! – so it was easy to send a single text message copying all three of them that Megan was going for a work-out and a massage in town and wouldn’t be home until late. And to not worry.
Mistress Shereen filled in Megan for the second time that day, “I texted your girls all about how you getting a work-out and a massage and not to worry none.”
Shereen figured it was a pretty honest message. Tit Slut had already started her work out, hadn’t she? Also, that rubber cock had certainly internally massaged her, hadn’t it?
Shereen put the cell back into a pocket of Megan’s shorts, “Don’t worry, Tit Slut. Your daughters won’t expect you now until late today.”
At the door Shereen turned back to Megan, “I don’t want you to get bored or nothing like that. I’ll just send Deka up here to keep you entertained. Don’t worry about tiring her out. She’s young. Besides, after that I’ll give big Ladonne a break and then she can come entertain you. My last guard is busy elsewhere right now but, when she gets back, she’ll come entertain you also. Her name is Quiesha. We bend over backwards to keep a Tit Slut happy and nothing keeps a Tit Slut happy like sex. So there will be all sorts of “exercise” and “massage” for you and you can tell it true to your daughters when you finally get back home. Just as long as you don’t get too detailed.”
Shereen walked out of the bedroom.
She left the door wide open.