It was almost dinnertime.
It was time to decide.
Rylie felt broken to Xiang’s will. She absolutely knew there was no way for her to stand up to Xiang. She might be able to try, but she would never succeed. Xiang was too strong. Too dominant. Or Rylie was too weak. Too submissive.
Which one was it? Both. It was both.
It felt like there was a window of opportunity, but one that would not remain open. It would iris closed. How soon? Very. Rylie almost could not comprehend what Xiang had wrought upon her in a single night and day. If Rylie did not act at dinner and insist on meeting with Caihong and did not get Caihong to come to her aid, the window of opportunity might close before tomorrow’s dinner.
Technically, the same opportunity would be there tomorrow, the same one she had today. They would again, tomorrow night, join Caihong for dinner. It would be the same but it might be different.
Not the opportunity to talk with Caihong. Rylie might be different.
She was already different!
She might be even more different.
The Rylie of yesterday would not have called a Chinese woman younger than her Mistress. The Rylie who arrived at the Chiu estate would never have thought to hump a stuffed animal to orgasm and think of it as her Master.
She was even physically different because of the added tattoo and the piercings.
While remaining under Xiang’s thumb – and often under her pussy – Rylie had no chance of reverting back to situation normal. The very best she could hope for was a status quo. But the worst she could dread was a lot worse.
The Rylie in twenty-four hours might not even think of appealing to anyone. That Rylie might not want to escape her fate. It might not even occur to her.
There was no way the present Rylie could count on future Rylie.
She didn’t feel all that good about counting on present Rylie! Future Rylie was even less worthy of trust.
It was decided. She had to act. She had to plead for help from Caihong. It felt crazy going to an elderly lady for rescue but, there it was.
But making the decision to try to get help was no guarantee of getting help. Rylie had worries and she had a problem.
She was worried about the videos Xiang had taken of her. They would undermine Rylie’s version that she needed rescue and that she did not like what Xiang did to her.
Fuck, even she had some doubts about how much a victim she was or was not.
She wanted to talk with Caihong alone. One on one. She could get Caihong to believe her then. Maybe to the point where Caihong would refuse to watch any video if Xiang did try to show it to her.
It was a little strange, but Rylie hoped Caihong was racist against whites. She thought Caihong would be more likely to take her side then. In a way. If Caihong was racist, if she thought Chinese were superior to white Americans, or, fuck, just that rich people were superior to poor people, then Caihong would be outraged that Xiang had lowered herself to a sexual entanglement with Rylie.
Even if Caihong wasn’t racist, she obviously cared about the Chiu family fortune and reputation. She wanted her grandchildren to grow up right.
Rylie was pretty confident she could and would get Caihong on her side. Even if Xiang was right there arguing the issue and even if Xiang presented the video on a giant fucking movie screen.
But would Caihong get so upset that the whole deal was called off? Would Rylie blow it for herself and for Aspen?
Another concern was Rylie’s uncertainty over the power dynamic between Xiang and Caihong. The twins had seemed quite rebellious towards Caihong when they were first introduced to Rylie and Aspen. Caihong had bitched about them as well.
The twins had knuckled under when Caihing instructed them not to “break” the American friendship companions. But did that mean they would always back down when faced with Caihong? Did that mean Xiang would stop trying – okay, succeeding – in sexually dominating Rylie if Caihong instructed her to cease and desist?
Caihong was scary. No matter how they acted, the twins had to be scared of her. And of losing their inheritance.
But… it did seem like Xiang had a lot of fun dominating Rylie. Like, a lot a lot. Rylie was sure Xiang would not want to give that up. What was more powerful, Xiang’s fear of Caihong or Xiang’s lust for dominating Rylie?
That question wasn’t promising. But people were weird about sex. Rylie assumed it was true of Chinese wealth princesses as well. No, not just the weird sex Xiang had with Rylie. They were weird about other people knowing about it. Xiang, no matter how confident she seemed when dealing with Rylie, might be incredibly insecure when dealt with by Caihong.
Here’s to hoping!
Those were her worries. And she had a problem.
Besides her ongoing problem with her assertiveness. How did one get rid of submissiveness?
Earlier, after Rylie had orgasmed while humping Ouyi, Xiang was not done with her. It seemed like Xiang was never done with her.
Xiang had issued an order. Rylie knew Xiang now gave her orders.
A simple order than proved challenging to obey. It was not challenging at first but it became challenging quickly.
Simple. Xiang told her to lay in the floor on her back. With Ouyi between her legs and up against her pussy,
Rylie had adopted the pose. There was no question she would. Not even in Rylie’s mind. She’d already obeyed so often and so much worse.
Then Xiang told Rylie what she would do next. Rylie realized, because of Xiang’s level of command over her, Xiang sometimes knew what Rylie would do before Rylie did. Because Xiang knew Rylie would do what she told Rylie to do and so she knew what Rylie would do as soon as she thought up something to tell Rylie to do.
Rylie had to spend the hours leading up to dinner playing with her new nipple piercings. Or, put another way, playing with her new nipples. Or, put yet another way, playing with her second and third clitorises.
Xiang made Rylie… got her to or made her, semantics… wet her nipples by licking her fingers and then slathering the nipples and the barbells through them.
Then Xiang told Rylie to rub or pluck or tweak or pinch her nipples. Or stretch them. Whatever she wanted to do to them as long as Rylie kept doing something to them.
That was what she had to do. Keep supplying sensation to the sensationally sensitive nipples.
But there was something she was not allowed to do.
No cumming!
Which had almost seemed like a joke to Rylie. She wouldn’t cum from rubbing her nipples.
Correction: She would not have cum from that before Dai Lu pierced her nipples. Now? If they were half as sensitive as Aspen’s nipples, then having an orgasm from nipple play seemed more than possible. It seemed likely.
Xiang had watched her intently from her position sitting nearby. She even leaned forward wide-eyed like someone watching to see if their homemade volcano for science class was going to boil over and explode.
Rylie had to admit, that the way Xiang had watched her with such rapt attention made her curious to learn more about her new nipples. And Xiang had watched so expectantly like she was entertained by Rylie and expected to be much more entertained soon when the fireworks show started.
It had made Rylie want to entertain Xiang. She felt like a one-woman slut show who had just taken the stage.
Rylie’s show started with a bang. And also a whimper. The bang was the sensation when she touched both of her nipples at the same time, gripping them lightly between her thumbs and index fingers. It was a bang of sensation. The whimper was the sound Rylie made.
Xiang had giggled.
Rylie wriggled and Xiang giggled.
Rylie squeezed her thighs together. She thigh-hugged Ouyi.
Master Ouyi. She had to remember he was her Master.
To Xiang! She meant that her Mistress wanted her to treat the stuffed animal and address him as if he – it – was her Master.
She squeezed her thighs together and Master Ouyi’s softness pushed and filled gaps, including his fake-hairy little arm pressing right into Rylie’s pussy lips, splitting them apart.
Oh wow! Master Ouyi sure knew how to make a girl feel good!
Rylie was unsure what to do once she had the grips on her nipples. There were things she could do, obviously, but it was already too much sensation. Just touching them made her eyes water. She was hesitant to do anything!
Xiang got her over that hump, “Do more, slave. Squeeze them!”
Squeeze them? Her nipples and Master Ouyi? Did she have to?
Rylie began to squeeze her nipples, not too hard at all.
Holy fuck!
“Yes! Ha! Pull them out! Pull them straight up! Stretch your slut nipples!”
Oh fuck, there was no way—
Rylie did it and released a long whine.
It was too much! She released them. The way they bounced slightly going back into place delivered epic sensation.
But Xiang kept at her, kept telling her what to do. And Rylie kept obeying.
She had to rub them.
She had to pull them outward. Then inward towards each other. Then towards her toes. Then towards her ears.
She had to roll the barbells.
She had to pinch them, pinching the nipples and the barbells at the same time.
Everything Xiang made her do caused incredible sensation. Absolutely savage pleasure.
Everything Xiang made her do caused Rylie to moan, groan, cry out, or whine.
Everything Xiang made her do caused Xiang to laugh or giggle.
But nothing Xiang made her do made Rylie orgasm. She wanted to. She had not wanted to when she started. She had not even thought it was possible. That was out the window almost immediately. She wanted to!
So, of course, Xiang would not let her.
Fucking bitch! Chinese wealth princess!
But it was up to Xiang. She was the Mistress. Rylie was only an American slut slave.
Rylie was so aroused and squeezed her thighs so hard over and over on Master Ouyi that she heard wet squishing sounds. Master Ouyi was soaked in her juices! He could not even absorb all of it. She felt her juices running down her ass crack.
Rylie moaned and kept up a stream of little needy moans. God help her, she wanted to thank Master Ouyi. God help her even more, she wanted to talk nasty and humiliate herself because she knew it would please her Mistress.
No! Nothing extra! She would only do what her Mistress ordered her to do!
Not exactly chaste! Or wise! But not as bad as humiliating herself for no good reason.
Xiang kept her at it. Made her tease and persecute her own nipples. Rylie learned her nipples were not only much more sensitive to pleasure. Of course, that was not how sensitivity worked, but Rylie had not thought about the increase of other sensations.
Pinching her nipples hard was much more painful. It made her arch her body, for a moment only her heels, shoulders, and head still on the floor. Doing it made her yell out.
Xiang, like the lazy wealth princess she was, made Rylie do all the hard work of working pain and pleasure into her nipples. Mostly it was pleasure. Rylie did not think about it at the time because she simply could not think, but Xiang wanted Rylie to feel lots of pleasure as a way to make sure the piercing magic Dai Lu worked took full effect.
Xiang made Rylie make her own nipples become even more sensitive! That is, if Dai Lu was correct that causing pleasurable sensations in the nipples soon after getting the special piercings made them more and more sensitive.
If Rylie were capable of thought at the time, she may have resisted. Or maybe not. Rylie was not sure. But she was sure she should have resisted. Nipples this sensitive were a fucking handicap!
It was lifechanging. It was slut making. How was Rylie supposed to be a career woman with constantly hard nipples pulsing with pleasure? Her nipples felt pleasure simply from the circulation of her blood, each pulse slightly expanding the nipples and making them move just a little and just enough to cause intense pleasure.
She would go to office meetings and be aroused all through them. She’d go to the restroom to pee and her bouncing nipples rubbing inside her bra would have her so aroused by the time she got to the stall that she’d have to do more than pee.
Maybe Caihong could get Dai Lu to undo the effect? Somehow?
Rylie was freaked out about the change to her nipples. Tattoos could be removed. Pierce holes could heal closed. Mistress Xiang could be fled from or perhaps put in her place by her grandmother.
Master Ouyi? He could be thrown into the trash! Little nasty now-sticky bright orange fucker!
But these nipples might be for life!
Shudder! A shudder of both horror and pleasure.
Xiang kept telling her what to do to her nipples and Rylie had kept doing it. Rylie got so aroused that without thinking about it, she let one hand leave off her nipple and dart to her pussy. But Xiang’s slapping hand darted faster.
“No touch slut pussy! No cum for the American slut slave!”
Rylie’s hand went back to her nipple persecution. She was more humiliated at her effort to please herself than she was hurt by Xiang’s slap.
But Xiang did not stop slapping.
“Stupid American slave must be punished for lack of self-control. I can only control you completely if you also have control over yourself. And so I must spank your slutty pussy.”
And she did! Five spanks!
Who the hell spanked a pussy?
Answer: Xiang.
Better answer: Mistress Xiang.
Who the hell let someone spank their pussy and did nothing about it, just laid there and took it and continued to tweak her nipples as ordered?
Answer: An American slut named Rylie.
Rylie felt out of her mind. She felt so needy and the spanks only made her needier. She needed relief from the need for an orgasm and relief from the pain and the two needs made her want more. She squeezed her thighs together hard, crushing the sopping wet Master Ouyi, producing an embarrassing squishing sound.
By the time the fifth spank landed, Rylie had lifted her hips and lifted the trapped Master Ouyi in between her legs, like she was offering her pussy to her Mistress, like she was trying to help her Mistress spank her better.
She was only doing it because she did not want her Mistress to accidentally spank her Master!
That was what she told herself. But she knew the truth. She did it because she could not keep herself from doing it.
The spanks stopped after five but Xiang compelling Rylie to edge herself did not stop and neither did Rylie’s lust. Xiang kept her in need of an orgasm for more than an hour!
An hour of pleasurable nipple torture. An hour! Self-inflicted. Or was it? Technically, yes. But her Mistress made her do it! She was only a stupid American slut! It wasn’t her fault!
So, that was her ongoing problem. They were about to go to dinner and one of them, the American slut, was bringing a hot pussy on a hair trigger. A pubic hair trigger?
Rylie thought about her situation while she checked her clothing and hair in the bathroom mirror. She had a few moments away from Xiang. She could think. Maybe.
She was intelligent. She was! But she kept doing stupid things. Or unwise things. It was never crafty to let a young bitch sexually dominate you!
She got great grades in school. Everyone thought she was smart. Everyone except Xiang who kept calling her stupid. The thing was, Rylie almost couldn’t blame Xiang for thinking that way about her. Xiang didn’t have access to Rylie’s G.P.A. If Xiang judged Rylie by her actions and lack of actions, then she was right to think Rylie was stupid.
But Rylie did not think that was fair to herself. Xiang started calling her stupid before Rylie did most of the stupid things she did or allowed to be done.
Fuck this. It was almost like Xiang wanted her to be stupid, decided she was stupid, and Rylie went along with it and behaved as Xiang indirectly directed her to behave.
Fuck this!
Her nipples were throbbing like firecrackers about to go off. Her hands felt magnetized to go to her pussy. She didn’t let them but it wasn’t even a matter of wisdom or self-control. Fuck, by now, it would probably be wise to make herself orgasm.
No, she held off because she knew Xiang… the Mistress… her Mistress… did not want her to. How did she know? Mistress spanks to her pussy had told her so!
When Xiang had judged Rylie was extremely aroused for long enough, or maybe that Rylie was too close to cumming to continue, she had Rylie stand up. Ouyi was so soaked, he looked bedraggled, like a stuffed animal a little kid had lost in a sewer drain. The carpet where Rylie had lain was darker with moisture.
With dumb dismay, Rylie watched Xiang snap photos of Master Ouyi and the carpet.
Xiang grinned up at her dismay, “We want not want anyone to ever doubt you are an American slut who so enjoys her status, or lack thereof, in life.”
It was like Xiang was building a case against her!
Building a very persuasive case….
Rylie hoped it did not come to that, of her having to argue she did not like what Xiang did to her and Xiang standing right there at the same time counterarguing that Rylie did like it. Xiang had all the evidence! Rylie had no countering evidence! She had nothing other than her word.
Xiang had told her to go get dressed, to comb her hair, and to make herself look as pretty as possible. Xiang was very specific. If Xiang had only told Rylie to go get ready, then maybe Rylie could have intentionally interpreted “getting ready” as taking care of her orgasm need.
Why had Xiang put her in this needy state? It might be hard to act normal at dinner. Aspen might pick up on something being wrong. Did Xiang want that?
Didn’t Xiang want to hide that she was sexually dominating Rylie? Maybe not to Fang. It seemed there was a distinct chance, between Xiang’s comments and the sight of Aspen having to chauffeur Fang to Dai Lu’s, that Xiang might even want to show off to Fang that she had her American under full control. And hot and bothered at the same time.
Even Caihong might pick up on it. Rylie might seem different than the young woman who’d arrived at the estate.
Why did Xiang want her to go to dinner while desperate for an orgasm?
Just to torture her?
For the most part, it had seemed like Xiang wanted to make her orgasm, have a lot of orgasms, during their short time together. She teased and delayed at times, but not like this. Not with over an hour of nipple-tweaking edging followed by “Let’s go to dinner with my twin, your best friend, and my grandmother.”
Rylie had to wonder if Xiang did this to her as a way to distract her. As an insurance to keep Rylie from taking any concerns to Caihong. It would not work! It could not work! This might be Rylie’s only chance. Present Rylie could not count on future Rylie.
Future Rylie, tomorrow Rylie, or maybe even as soon as later-tonight Rylie, may be a full sex slave, not only in the demented opinion of Xiang or in her own sex-panicked head during intense moments of sex, but all the time in Rylie’s own mind.
It could happen. Rylie felt it. She was at risk!
She could lose all of her self-respect. Well, much of that was already gone! But she knew could get it back with enough time. Away from Xiang and the Chiu estate. Her self-respect would heal.
But she thought it would not heal if it got to a certain point. Some kind of absolute zero. Like a battery that lost its charge and then could not charge back up.
She must not let her self-respect power down to zero!
It must be pretty damn close to zero already….
Why did Xiang want her in a state of orgasm denial at dinner with Xiang’s grandma? Rylie mind worried at it and worked at it the way she wanted but couldn’t work at her pussy and work to have an orgasm.
Did Xiang perhaps intend to do something at dinner? Like sit next to Rylie, reach over and down under the table, and make Rylie orgasm?
Was Xiang that twisted?
Fuck. Of course she was. But was she that daring? Her grandma would be right there!
Rylie decided she would make sure she did not sit next to Xiang. What could Xiang do about it? Order her to change seats? Or maybe Xiang would change her seat to come sit next to Rylie. So Rylie decided she would wait as people sat and then pounce on an open chair in between two occupied chairs, neither of them occupied by Xiang.
Okay. She had foreseen a possible issue and she now had a plan to defuse that issue before it ever got lit.
Shit, it did feel like her little fuse was lit. So, maybe defused was not the right term. But now she had a tactic for avoiding the explosion.
She normally looked forward to seeing Aspen. But not like this. Aspen might pick up on that something was wrong with Rylie. Very wrong. Aspen wasn’t likely to guess the orgasm denial, but she would probably sense something was wrong.
Rylie had another reason for trepidation over reuniting with Aspen.
What happened to Aspen when Aspen drove her and Fang out to Dai Lu’s?
Fang did not take Aspen out there for no reason….
Fang had Aspen chauffer the vehicle. Exactly like her twin had with Rylie.
What if Fang was just like Xiang? Just as bad? She could not be worse and it seemed improbable that Fang could be as bad, but what if she was?
Then… poor Aspen!
For sure, poor Rylie!
Rylie’s determination to do something, to go to Caihong for help, renewed and strengthened.
Sexually dominate her, pierce her, tattoo her, spank her pussy, orgasm denial her, whatever. But only her! Not Aspen!
Rylie nodded at herself in the mirror. Fuck this. Fuck yes, she would sic Caihong on Xiang.