Despite her new piercings – wounds, damn it! – and despite the new tattoo, Xiang still made Rylie chauffeur the car back to the Chiu estate.
Rylie fumed, but she did it in a tired defeated way. She did not try to say anything or to admonish Xiang. What was the use? Xiang would never feel bad. Xiang knew Rylie had not wanted the piercings or the added tattoo but here Rylie was with new piercings and a new tattoo. How Rylie felt did not matter to Xiang.
Xiang was making major decisions for Rylie without Rylie’s input! Even about Rylie’s body.
What good would saying anything do? The piercings were complete. The third tattoo was added. There was no undoing them. There was no undoing what Xiang had done it to her.
Also, worse than the actual piercings or the newest tattoo, it sounded like there was no way to undo the increased sensitivity of her nipples. Dai Lu the piercer and tattooist had some secret process to permanently change nipple sensitivity. For the rest of her life, she would basically have three clitorises, two of them on her chest.
All three of her “clitorises,” one of them an actual clitoris, were now pierced!
Damn it. Rylie knew she should not have submitted to the bratty wealth princess. But she still had. She’d submitted over and over. And she’d known she needed to put an immediate stop to the talk of Rylie being a slave. Not just becoming one. Being one. But Rylie had failed to do that and had failed herself in failing to do it.
Fucking Xiang had bought into being Rylie’s “slaveholder” or whatever the fuck and, bam, next thing Rylie knew, she had three piercings and another tattoo. Fuck!
Xiang thought she could make these major decisions for Rylie without Rylie’s approval because Xiang thought Rylie was now her slave. Slaves did not get to make any decisions for themselves.
Rylie felt stupid. It made her feel a masochistic condemnation like she deserved what had happened to her, that she deserved the pain and future discomfort.
Rylie shifted in the driver’s seat. Ouch!
The new tattoo was on her other butt cheek. It was pretty much a match for the first butt cheek tattoo except instead of the Chinese character for the letter X, it was the Chinese character for the letter C.
They had defaced her! Except… on her ass. So, they de-assed her?
No, that made it sound like she had no ass.
Her ass was still there. Rylie knew it because it hurt despite the special ointment Dai Lu had also rubbed into Rylie’s new tattoo.
After Rylie orgasmed inside the tattoo parlor and after Rylie was pierced, Dai Lu used controls on the chair/bed to rotate it until Rylie was in an approximate standing position, though her legs were still fixed in place wide apart. Then Dai Lu had sat on a padded stool and tattooed Rylie’s previously tattoo-free ass cheek.
Those Chinese bitches had not even bothered to tell her what the tattoo was until afterward!
Rylie resented herself for not protesting. She had not protested before the tattoo. Nor during the tattoo. Not even after she was tattooed.
Why hadn’t she? Was she that disheartened? Had she felt that saying anything was hopeless? Or was she that submissive?
Rylie did not feel like she was entirely blameless. Some of this was on her. She got into the situation, she failed to stand up for herself, and she was, in many ways, cooperative with what Xiang did to her.
The things Xiang wanted, or required, freaked her out! But then she just went ahead and kept cooperating. Big things and little things.
Even driving the car when told to do it. While Xiang relaxed in the back seat. Yeah, sure, Xiang had to rest after watching all that grueling piercing action. Rylie getting pierced had taken a lot out of her!
Why hadn’t she refused to drive? Or said she’d walk back to the Chiu estate? Or driven off before Xiang got into the car?
Xiang was treating her like a slave and, in many ways, Rylie was behaving like one.
After the tattoo was complete, Xiang had explained the reason for it. With a laugh!
She’d said she did not want there to be any confusion as to whose slave Rylie was. Xiang said other women in China were named Xiang or had a last name that started with X or a first name like Xifeng and Xiaoling.
So, Rylie had to have Xiang’s full initials! On her ass! One on each ass cheek!
So that people seeing her bare tattooed ass would know whose slave Rylie was!
She had another woman’s initials on her ass. She’d have to wear 1920s-style swimwear at the beach. What would she tell a future boyfriend? How could she explain the tattoos?
Not with the truth! Gee, honey, just ignore those tats. That was from that time a Chinese wealth princess sexually enslaved me. No big deal!
She guessed she could make up some story about the meaning of the symbols. Mm, maybe not. Someone could look them up and find out they were Chinese letters. So, okay, she could say the C stood for… Confidence! Yes. That. Not at all true, but it was something that was true before she met Xiang and it was something she did now aspire to.
What about the X? There weren’t many X words. Fuck. Oh, she had it! She would tell guys she flirted with, one of whom would eventually become her boyfriend and then husband, that the X stood for X-rated and that she believed in doing anything and everything in bed to please her man. Whatever it took!
It was true anyway. She’d rather do anything a guy wanted to do than do what Xiang wanted. Although… these orgasms….
But it was worse than simply having another woman’s initials on her ass. Xiang had the second tattoo added to declare and make clear her supposed ownership of Rylie. So that Xiang’s slave was not to be confused with any other slave.
Xiang taunted her in a casual not-even-trying-too-hard kind of way, “It was easy for me to tell you were happy with your new piercings. You know, because you orgasmed like a slut with her pussy on fire.”
That was not why she orgasmed!
But Rylie did not say that. She felt too defeated to argue. She hoped that was why. She hoped she was only momentarily too disheartened to argue, and not that she wasn’t too submissive to argue. That she was too dominated by her “Mistress” to argue with the Mistress.
Rylie wondered if she should point out that she did not orgasm when she got the added tattoo. No. Then Xiang would simply claim she could tell Rylie was happy to get the added tattoo because of how enthusiastically Rylie licked Xiang’s pussy to an orgasm.
Why all the orgasms in that tattoo and piercing parlor? Yeah, it turned out that it was considered lucky in China for the tattooed person to experience sexual pleasure. Supposedly. Allegedly. According to Xiang and Dai Lu who were not to be trusted.
Rylie had rolled with their claim that pleasure luck was needed. She had not protested. She had rolled her tongue like a paint roller on Xiang’s pussy. While Dai Lu tattooed her ass!
Oh, and uh….
It had turned out that, uh, it was… supposedly… good luck for the tattooed person to give the tattooer an orgasm. In China. Or if the tattooer was Chinese.
Rylie had wanted to demur. But why start resisting then? It would be like closing the barn doors after the horse was pierced and tattooed and sexually dominated.
Besides, for all Rylie knew, it might be true. She didn’t know shit about China.
Everybody wanted good luck, right? Rylie thought she’d had enough of bad luck. The bad luck of getting matched up with the bad twin. Xiang had to be worse than Fang. Had to be.
Lucky or not, it was all too true, she had licked Dai Lu’s pussy. All the way to orgasm. She made a much older and very bald Chinese woman orgasm!
They did her wrong and in return, she did whatever they wanted her to do.
Rylie was at a stop at a stop light for a few moments before she noticed the car in the opposite lane, also waiting for the light, about to pass her.
What the fuck?
Was that—
The light turned green. Rylie did not press down on the gas pedal. She was too stunned and she was trying to figure out what this meant.
Aspen was in the other car! Aspen was driving it!
It was a fancy car, just like Rylie was driving a fancy car. It was another Chiu estate vehicle.
Rylie could tell there was someone in the back seat. It had to be Fang.
They were still pretty far from the Chiu estate. They were much closer to Dai Lu’s tattoo parlor.
Aspen drove past them. Rylie did not think Aspen had spotted her.
Rylie got the car going, her mind racing much faster than the car.
Aspen and Fang were driving towards Dai Lu’s tattoo parlor!
Was Fang going to have Aspen add a tattoo? Or a piercing? Or both?
Oh no! Poor Aspen!
Rylie slowed the vehicle and very nearly turned it around to go in hot pursuit. She could easily catch up to them before they arrived at Dai Lu’s.
But then she pressed down on the gas pedal again. She did not turn the car around. She did not try to save her friend from whatever awaited her.
She did not at first know why she failed to do something. But after another ten minutes of driving, she did have theories and none of them were good.
Was there some part of her that wanted Aspen to suffer the same or similar treatment from Dai Lu as Rylie had? Aspen had already taken nipple piercings and tattoos, one of them because Aspen went above and beyond in camaraderie with Rylie. Four total. But Rylie had been at two total until today, and now her count had tripled. She had three tattoos and three piercings!
Which was a total of six to Aspen’s four.
Did she want Aspen to have more than her?
She wasn’t sure if she was so base as that.
Rylie thought the reason might be that she worried, or feared, or maybe even knew, that had she turned the car around to pursue Aspen and Fang, Xiang would have told her to cease and desist… and that Rylie would have obeyed her. Rylie worried/feared/knew it.
That might be some kind of ultimate submission. To give up trying to save her best friend, simply because a total fucking bitch of a wealth princess did not want her to.
She had avoided that ultimate submission. But had she? Xiang still got what she wanted, or would have wanted, and Rylie still had not saved Aspen.
She had not truly avoided the “ultimate submission.” She just cut out the middle man of trying and failing to save her best buddy.
Rylie drove them back to the Chiu estate. It was so huge and so fancy and had so much surrounding property. And this was just one of their estates, one that happened to be in the “backwaters” of America. Rylie bet they had a fancier estate, maybe more than one, back in China.
Rich fucks! Rylie had never interacted with very wealthy people like the Chius. They said money was power and the Chius had loads of money. Enough to make most rich people feel poor by comparison.
They also said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Something like that.
Xiang was corrupted by money and power. So much so that she thought she could have an American as her slave!
Was Fang as corrupted as Xiang? She was taking Aspen, or having Aspen drive them, to Dai Lu’s….
What about Caihong? The old lady seemed strident and pushy and demanding. But weren’t lots of cranky old folk that way? Or was she even worse than usual because of her riches?
Fang might be as corrupted by money and power as Xiang was. They were twins and Rylie assumed their lives up to this point were pretty similar. But Rylie doubted Fang was like Xiang when it came to sex and lesbianism and sexual domination. That would be like lightning striking twice in the same spot. The twins looked the same but had different personalities. Everyone knew that. Same on the outside and different on the inside.
Even the twins’ looks were a bit different. Fang had all those freckles. She and Aspen were like Team Freckle, though Aspen had a lot more freckles than Fang.
Rylie tried to reassure herself over her lack of trying to protect Aspen from a return trip to Dai Lu. She liked to think, and hoped, Fang was not like Xiang, and that the trip to Dai Lu’s meant only perhaps one more tattoo. Maybe the twins were competitive and maybe Fang wanted Aspen to have a Chinese letter C tattoo on her other ass cheek.
That wouldn’t be so bad. Would it? It would not be nearly as bad as a pierced clitoris! Rylie’s clitoris was pulsing with pain!
But then another thought occurred to her and it gave her no comfort at all. Her trip to Dai Lu’s had not been only about taking three piercings and a new tattoo. More did happen. She’d had to orally please Dai Lu! After orally pleasing Xiang. And both Xiang and Dai Lu had licked Rylie’s pussy.
Bad Thought One: Would Aspen hear about that? Would Dai Lu blab with the same mouth she’d used to lick Rylie’s pussy?
That would be so embarrassing. Would Aspen tease her forever over it? Or think of her differently?
Bad Thought Two: Would Dai Lu expect the same tip – the tip of a tongue – from Aspen for Dai Lu’s services rendered?
Rylie hoped not! She did not think that would happen. First, she doubted Fang could be like Xiang. Surely Dai Lu was only in a comfort zone doing those things, expecting that, when she was with Xiang, not Fang.
Even if Dai Lu went into her “it is good luck to lick my pussy” routine, Rylie was confident Aspen would refuse. It was true that Aspen was wilder than Rylie, but Rylie now also thought it was true that Aspen was stronger-willed than her.
Aspen had to be stronger-willed than Aspen. How could she not be? Rylie had let Xiang do so much to her and so soon into the friendship companion contract. She had folded like a house of cards. She even let Xiang alter her body! And more or less rewarded Xiang for doing it! Rylie had orally pleased the adult brat who’d ordered Rylie’s body alterations.
Sometimes Rylie thought best when she drove. She thought she was starting to achieve some clarity. Xiang was a bad person. Rylie had given in to Xiang’s whims, the whims of a bad person. Maybe Rylei had given in out of a previously unknown weakness of will or maybe because she was off balance in the new situation. But it obviously had to stop.
Holy fucking fuck! In just a day, she had three new piercings and a new tattoo to join her previous two tattoos! A day! At this rate, by the end of the contract, she’d have more tattoos than a carnival tattooed woman! And more piercings than a carnival pierced woman!
It was clear that Rylie had to stop submitting. She should have stopped well before then!
It was also pretty clear that this must be only a Xiang thing. It was just too weird to be true of Fang as well. And, even if it was true of Fang, it would also be too weird if Aspen had crumbled as quickly and entirely as Rylie had.
But another thing was clear. Rylie needed some help. It was unfair to ask Aspen to help. Aspen had her own contract and a lot of money at stake.
Rylie could try to stand up to Xiang, but that had not worked well so far. The easiest way to handle the Xiang problem was from a position of authority and power. That meant Caihong. She was a real bitchy old lady, but that could work in Rylie’s favor against Xiang.
Rylie parked the fancy car – it was some kind of sports car, black – in the garage that was big enough to be an airplane hangar.
Her butt hurt when she twisted on the driver’s seat to get up. Fuck! A third tattoo!
Her nipples throbbed with every movement. Each step she took made the weighted barbells jounce slightly and the sensation the movements caused was ridiculously strong. It was the sensual equivalent of maybe watching a favorite show but the damn volume was broken and set at the highest setting, absolutely earsplitting. Rylie liked pleasure, who didn’t, but this was beyond the pale. It was too much.
Just the tiny abrasion of her bra cup moving against the nipples was almost intolerable. Rylie felt like moaning with each step she took.
She had a question. She probably should have asked Dai Lu but, uh, lots of things happened at that tattoo and piercing parlor.
She asked Xiang, “So, I can take out the barbell things in my nipples, right? And eventually, the piercings will heal over?”
“Yes,” said Xiang simply.
Okay, that was a relief.
But then Xiang added, “However, the piercing made a permanent change to the nerves in your nipples. Even without the barbells and even if you allow them to heal closed, your nipples will always be extremely sensitive. Isn’t that wonderful? Basically, your Mistress Xiang has tripled your clitorises! And there is no charge for it!”
That was not a relief! That was very bad news! There was no monetary charge but Rylie was paying one hell of a cost. All Rylie could do was hope Xiang was lying or that she’d get used to the sensation and eventually shut it out. Like your mouth getting used to hot sauce, right?
Rylie tried not to show her dismay over the news of permanent nipple sensitivity. There was no point. Fucking Xiang was such a bitch, she would probably get off on Rylie’s angst.
Xiang led the way to her personal section of the Chiu estate, seven rooms that were all her own. The adult brat had her own kitchen/dining room and a big room dedicated to her stuffed animal collection.
And a bed big enough for half a dozen people. But it was still not big enough because Rylie had to sleep in that bed with Xiang. A bed the size of a football field would not be big enough.
The things they’d done in that bed….
On the first night! Rylie had another one hundred and eighty or so nights to look forward to. Or to dread. It was dread, right?
Rylie knew it was well after noon. It must be closer to dinner than it was to lunch.
Lunch. Holy shit! That was why she was so hungry! She hadn’t had any lunch. She’d barely had any breakfast. She only got what Xiang left on her plate. She’d had to lick it off the plate and lick clean the plate and utensils Xiang ate off of.
Rylie had barely eaten anything. The new barbells in her nipples and the double hoop dangle barbell dangling from her newly pierced clitoris likely weighed more than the total amount of food Rylie had eaten.
She’d been too stressed at Dai Lu’s tattoo and piercing parlor and too distracted by arousal and orgasms to be bothered with hunger. But now she was very hungry!
Walking down the hall and approaching Xiang’s personal kitchen/dining room, Rylie asked, “Xiang, may I have something to eat?”
She hated that she had to ask. It was humiliating. She hated the way her voice sounded. It was so weak and almost whiny.
Xiang waved a dismissive hand, “You did not say please and you did not even call me Mistress. The answer is… fuck no! Slaves need to be slave-like. Because slaves are slaves-is. All through history, slaves eat very little. Even if slaveholders can afford to feed them well, fuck no, there are no fat slaves.”
Had Rylie decided not to call Xiang Mistress? She guessed she hadn’t. Not formally. Maybe it should go hand-in-hand with resistance. It probably should.
But Rylie was fucking hungry!
Rylie tried again, “Please, Mistress, pretty please, Mistress, may I please have some food?”
Xiang laughed harshly, “Too little, too late. You are slim, but you can be even slimmer. I like skinny. Once your tits are made large with augmentation, the size of them will really, as they say, “pop” if the rest of you is most skinny. It will make the big new titties look all the larger.”
Jesus fucked a goat! Xiang thought Rylie would go along with having her breasts augmented? Surgically!?!
Rylie guessed that should not surprise her. This was a sort of proof that Xiang would stop at nothing and would always ask – no, demand – more and more. Submission to Xiang was a grave error! A huge mistake! A fucking disaster!
Rylie had always frowned upon breast augmentation. It was a physical lie, of a sort, and every surgery had some risk. She regarded women who did it as trying to please the world, the lustful and superficial world, or maybe only one other person, at the expense of what was best for their own health.
Rylie made sure to put strength in her voice, “I am not getting my breasts augmented.”
“We’ll see, slave. I will decide.”
Rylie knew there was no persuading Xiang. She would have to make her position clear again if the time came, if Xiang tried to get her to do it.
Yeah, like she put her foot down about the three piercings and the new tattoo?
That was different! She could not put her foot down then because her feet were dangling in midair!
True, but she had not protested much. She’d driven there and she had kept driving even once she figured out the destination. She had then walked in on her own two feet. And undressed on command. And laid down on the piercing/tattoo table/chair thing.
She would have to do much better if Xiang took her to a surgeon! Or back to Dai Lu. Rylie was well aware that there were many other places on the human body that could be pierced and a lot more “skin canvas” available on her body for tattoos.
Holy fuck! Xiang might try to take her back to Dai Lu! What were the odds that Xiang would only take her there once during the entire span of the contract? Those could not be good odds. There must be close to zero chance of a return visit not happening.
All this only added urgency to her planned after-dinner conversation with Caihong. She had to narc on Xiang. She had to tell Caihong everything, even tell her about having to go bare-ass naked in Xiang’s wing of the estate, and about the rough sex with Xiang.
Caihong would be shocked. Old people, conservative people, were not used to crazy sex stuff. No doubt Caihong would think much less of Rylie, but she could join the fucking club. Rylie thought much less of herself.
Who cared what Caihong thought of her as long as Caihong saved her from Xiang? Not Rylie! Caihong would also have to think a lot less of Xiang.
Despite indicating she would not let Rylie eat, Xiang did lead her into the kitchen/dining area. Would she get food after all?
Even Xiang must know it was bad form to starve a friendship companion. Even an American slut! Even a sex slave!
Xiang said, “Drink a glass of water. Drink two. Sluts need to be kept hydrated so their pussy stays wet and ready and tasty.”
Water? Just water?
“Can I at least have some juice or soda? I mean… Mistress.”
“No. Slave bodies must be kept most pure. All the better to perform impure acts upon them. Making the pure impure is great fun. Also, you do not deserve other sources of flavor other than your Mistress’s pussy, ass, and feet.”
Rylie pursed her lips, frowned hard, and stomped over to the sink. She did not want to say anything because then she’d have to say that word again. Mistress.
She kept thinking – knowing! – she was not some slave and never would be, but each time she used that word it felt like it chipped away at her free will. A crumbly free will. How many chippings could she take? She needed to avoid saying that damn word! Worst word ever! It should be banned from the dictionary!
Rylie drank a glass of water.
Xiang got a soda out of the fridge, opened it, glugged some of it down, and then released an aaah of enjoyment. And then she burped.
Rylie drank another glass of water.
Xiang said, “My soda really hits the spot. Piercing and tattooing slaves is thirsty work.”
Fucking bitch!
Xiang rolled a finger in the air, “Off with the clothes, silly slave.”
“Isn’t dinner soon? I’ll need to wear clothes.”
Xiang looked at her.
“Mistress. I need to wear clothing, Mistress.”
Whoops, there went another little chip of free will. Fuck. Two of them. She’d said Mistress twice.
“Dinner will come and you will be clothed then. But we have time. You need further slut exercise and we need to experiment with your nipples. Also, we need to make sure to keep them aroused and you aroused so that the degree of sensitivity is maximized and retained. Dai Lu told me so.”
Rylie found it hard to believe that her nipples could get any more sensitive. She hoped it wasn’t true. At what point would thinking become difficult? Xiang might be handicapping her mind!
Rylie sighed inwardly. Just another hour or so of this. Then she’d appeal to Caihong and get this terrible situation fixed while keeping her and Aspen on track to rake in a huge score in six months.
Rylie took off her clothes.
Xiang left while Rylie divested clothing, but she returned quickly, moments after Rylie was fully naked.
Xiang did not return alone. Except, she sort of did. Technically.