Good Examples Gone Bad, Chapter 33

Rylie woke up.  She looked at the ceiling.  She resisted looking around.

If she did not look around and assess, then maybe she could pretend that last night was a dream.

No, she would have to pretend it was a nightmare!  The kind where you did things you would never normally do in real life.

It wasn’t a nightmare, though.  She knew it was real.  It was too detailed.  Dreams were foggy and faded out and your memory was patchy about them.  Last night wasn’t any of those things.  It was graphicly detailed and all too memorable.

The only similarity to dream time was that lots of unreal things had happened.  Rylie had never thought those things could happen in real life and certainly not with her.


Somehow, Rylie had gotten teamed up, as a “friendship companion,” with the evil twin.  Fang must be the good twin.  Everyone knew, with twins, one was good and the other one was evil.  That was how twins worked.  They needed their own niche because they were too much alike physically. 

Rylie would have bet money that Aspen would get the evil twin.  That was how their luck went.  It wasn’t so much that Aspen was unlucky.  It was just that Rylie was almost always lucky.  She could correctly predict the result of a coin toss two out of three times.  Not too shabby!

So it was more like Rylie would have bet she’d get the good twin and Aspen would be left with whatever was left, in this case the evil twin.

Rylie guessed it was true what they said.  You can’t win them all.

She felt like quite the loser.  Not because she got the evil twin.  Well, yes, that, but not only that.  If she’d handled her business, then it wouldn’t matter if she had the evil twin.

She had failed to handle her business.  Xiang, the evil twin, had handled her. 

Time to face up to it.  She got the evil twin, she failed to face down the evil twin, and she’d ended up with an evil twin pussy on her face.

They’d had sex.  It was sex.  Daylight streamed through the sky roof over the bedroom and, in the light of day, it was impossible to claim, even to herself, that all that went on last night was “cleaning” by mouth.  That she’d only done what she had to because of the friendship contract saying she also had to do menial labor at the estate.

Cleaning a pussy with her mouth was not “menial labor!”  Even if she had ended up working hard at it.

It was sex.  Xiang had dominated her!  Like, completely dominated her. 

It wasn’t only sex. 

Xiang had spanked her!  Xiang had caused her pain!  As part of sex!

Xiang had mocked her and called her names.  Xiang had insulted her.  As a part of the sex.

Xiang somehow got Rylie to call herself a slut.  And Xiang made Rylie call Xiang Mistress!

What.  A.  Disaster.

It was the social/sexual equivalent of an earthquake that caused a tidal wave and then a raging inferno swept through the wreckage after that.

Rylie had, at times, shook like she was in an earthquake.  There was a lot of wetness last night.  And so much heat between Rylie’s legs and even in her mind.

A triple disaster!  A debacle!

Rylie was not a lesbian, at least not until last night, but she would not condemn anyone who was and so she would not condemn herself for sex with a female.  But she would condemn herself for choice of sexual partner.  Just as she would not condemn heterosexuality but she would condemn a woman who had sex with a total asshole, at least if the woman knew he was an asshole or should have known.

Xiang was a bitch!  A spoiled Chinese rich bitch!

Xiang was an asshole!  One who just happened to be female.

Pretty hard to deny what happened last night.  Time to deal with it.

Rylie closed her eyes tightly, so tightly that she saw stars.  She told herself today was a new day.  She told herself to start over.  To start from scratch.  To make today a do over.  She would ascribe yesterday to jetlag even though she had not taken a flight. 

She would have to make Xiang see her differently, very differently.  Rylie was not a slut, was not a submissive, and was not a lesbian.  She would have to make Xiang understand and accept those things. 

Rylie was at the estate to be a friend, a paid friendship companion, not to be a sexual partner.  Rylie was paid to be here so, if she had sex – if it continued – Rylie would qualify as some variety of prostitute!

Xiang was still asleep, so there wasn’t anything Rylie could do to fix things yet.  She had to correct the way Xiang treated her.  The way Xiang thought of her.

She heard Xiang snoozing right next to her.  In the same bed.  She remembered they fell asleep naked after sex.

Wait a sec!

Xiang’s snoring….

It did not come from next to her even though it was right next to her as in quite nearby.  It came from above her.

And… Rylie’s head slightly lifted and fell like she was giving tiny nods, as if to herself.  And yet, she was not moving it herself.

Rylie opened her eyes wide. 

There was the sky light above her. 

There was the rest of the ceiling.

Her neck and the back of her head felt very warm.  Her head kept lifting and falling, just a little, and in perfect time to Xiang’s snores….

She wasn’t laying on a pillow, was she?

She felt a shift under her, like the bed had a tectonic plate on the move, a tectonic plate named Xiang.  Then she felt Xiang’s feet draw up along her sides and saw Xiang’s knees rise up like sharp mountains on either side of her.

Oh, this was worse than simply lying on Xiang.  She had her head on Xiang’s pussy!

Oh oh.  Xiang wasn’t snoring any longer!

The beast awaketh!  Xiang was a little fat-assed fat-thighed and otherwise skinny beast of a bratty bitch.  Xiang was a beast who had treated her in a beastly way.

Rylie started to sit up, straight up like a vampire rising out of a coffin, like she was a human game piece in the game of operation and she was trying not to touch Xiang’s legs, trying not to set her off.

Zzzz!  Rylie did not actually hear anything but the buzzer must have gone off because Xiang pressed her knees towards each other.  Rylie bounced off Xiang’s leg gate and was forced to lay back down.

She felt Xiang’s hairy pussy on the back of her neck!

Xiang said, “Where does American slut think she is going?”

“I’m… getting up.”

“Does American slut truly think she should think?  Getting up is a decision.  Should a slut make an important decision like that?  No.  Her Mistress will make that decision for her.  Or against her.  Actually, I make all my decisions for myself.  Whatever I have my slut do is to better serve myself.”

Xiang hadn’t, in her sleep, given up the idea that she was Rylie’s Mistress.  Fuck!  It was such a mistake to call her Mistress last night.  Rylie was painfully aware she had not called Xiang Mistress only once.  Rylie had called Xiang that over and over.

Rylie, not knowing what to do, tried to rise again even though she knew she couldn’t.  She was taller than Xiang but Xiang had positional advantage and Xiang seemed determined and certain while Rylie felt physically weak and weak of will.

She already felt weak-willed!  It was like as soon as Xiang awoke, she began sapping Rylie’s will.  Rapidly!

Rylie’s effort to rise was ridiculously short lived, half a foot up and then a collapse with the back of her neck right back on Xiang’s pussy.

Xiang giggled, “Really Rylie?  Oh really?”

Rylie wondered how this could really be happening.  That was the way in which she was “Really Rylie!”  Not the humiliating, insulting, patronizing way that Xiang used the term.

“Really Rylie, I will demonstrate to you how things should work and now do work.  I will make a decision and you will obey it.  And we will both enjoy the results!”

Nope, no, nope!  Whatever it was, Rylie would not do it!  Even if it was easy.  Doing it would set a standard, set an expectation, set up Rylie for more of the same.

Xiang could tell her tie her shoes, Rylie’s own shoes, and Rylie would not do it!

“Now you will get off your back, lazy American, and get on your belly.  Spin and rotate around.”


If Rylie did that…!

Better not!

She was still inside Xiang’s knee cage.  Xiang’s feet were planted on the bed and between her sides and arms, up against Rylie’s armpits.  Rylie could not get away unless she perhaps used a great deal of force.  She could not do that to her Chinese wealth princess.  Rylie was supposed to be a friendship companion!  Wrestling or whatever would not be friendly. 

But She also did not want to be too friendly.  She would not cooperate!

Xiang curled her body forward like a swimmer about to dive, and reached down and captured Rylie’s nipples.  Rylie tried to lift her hands but Xiang slid her feet wider making Rylie’s arms point away from her body.  Rylie could not reach her nipples to defend them.  She was helpless!

But helpless was not the same as cooperative.  She would not cooperate.  She had better not.

Xiang pinched her nipples.  Youch!  Owie owie owie!

Xiang asked teasingly, sounding relaxed as Rylie struggled like a hogtied calf, “Really Rylie?  Isn’t the American slut ready to obey her Mistress?”

Rylie bucked, but she could not escape.  Not unless she wanted to be outright violent.  Xiang dug her fingernails into the base of Rylie’s nipples.  Rylie yelped and then groaned in frustration.

“Is the American slut ready to obey her Mistress?” inquired Xiang.

Damn it.

Rylie had to admit she was ready.  She wasn’t happy about it, but she had no choice.  Xiang had sharp fingernails!

“Okay.  I’ll do it.”

“Hm.  But how is the American slut supposed to address her superior in all things, her better in life, her dominant?”

Her dominant….

It made it sound like Rylie possessed Xiang, but Rylie knew it was the other way around.

“I’ll do it, Mistress.”

Rylie felt it again, that gush of humiliation, so intense, from saying that word.  She thought she might also feel a little gush somewhere else.

Not good!  Not promising!  Not a good sign!

Xiang released Rylie’s nipples.  They hurt worse than before as blood rushed to them.  They were instantly hard, or even harder than before.  They throbbed and bounced slightly.

Xiang moved her feet to the outside of Rylie’s arms and relaxed her legs, but only a little, only enough to allow Rylie to twist around.

Rylie considered trying to resist again.  But who would she fool?  She knew she’d lost this round.  This was going to go the way Xiang wanted.

The problem, the real problem, the core problem, was that she was now turned on.  She had already felt weak-willed when she woke up, but now she felt very weak-willed.  No, even worse, she almost… she did… feel like doing what Xiang wanted her to do.  She actually wanted to do what Xiang wanted her to do!

Rylie cooperatively, almost meekly, rotated around until she was on her stomach. 

More importantly, she was face to pussy.  She kept her face from contact with Xiang’s pussy but only by a few inches and only by straining her neck.  She knew she couldn’t maintain the position for long and knew it didn’t matter because Xiang intended a different destination for her face.

Xiang giggled snd shifted, like she was stretching in place, getting ready to run a race or, in this case, to lay a race. She was clearly in no hurry. Rylie just bet Xiang was well aware of the exhausting strain on Rylie’s neck.

Xiang was probably intentionally wearing Rylie out!  All the better to crush Rylie’s will and take full advantage of her. 

Rylie was cooperating in her own will crushing!  But what else could she do?  Face plant in Xiang’s pussy?

She knew that was where her face would end up.  That was where Xiang wanted it to go and Xiang was dominating her again and would get her way and have her way.  But Rylie could not just let her face go there.  It would send the wrong message.  It would look so slutty!

So she was stuck wearing herself out.

She already felt so very dominated listening to Xiang’s delighted giggles.

What was…?

Oh.  No.  She was shifting her hips around over and over, swaying them back and forth, rubbing, just a little, just barely, her newly bare of pubic hair pussy against the bedsheet and mattress of Xiang’s gigantic bed.

It felt good, but she knew it would look bad if Xiang saw it.  So, she should stop.  But it did feel good, such a contrast to her straining neck.  She strained to press her pussy against the mattress.  An impossible mission that she kept trying to accomplish.

Xiang noticed, “You American sluts get so horny so quickly.  So slutty!  You American truly are the best… at being sluts.  I see you wag your ass and try to fuck your Mistress’s bed.”

Xiang saw!

So… Rylie should stop.  Should she?  Yes.  For sure.  She should stop.

She was stopping!  She did it!

But she lost that teasing just almost sensation.  She needed it back!  Xiang’s giggles felt like sound spurs on her ass. 

Rylie went back to frustrated almost but not quite bed fucking.

Xiang’s giggles rose in volume.

Damn herself.  Xiang thought American women were sluts and here Rylie was firming up Xiang’s misguided opinion by pushing her soft pussy against the soft mattress.

Rylie felt so stupid and so slutty.  And so horny!

Xiang told her, “Recall your contractual commitment to clean as needed.  It is time for you to perform the morning cleaning of my pussy.  You will do this every morning when you are in my bed.  I expect you to do it without this type of recent struggle.  You should only struggle to please me, not struggle to fail to please me.  It is a standing order telling you what to do while you not stand lying in bed in the morning.  Get to it, American slut.  Clean and please your Mistress.”

Ha!  Rylie had just known where this was going!  Her face into Chinese hair pie!  So there, Xiang, she knew it all along!

She had not known that she’d get to the point where she’d actually do it.

She had not known she’d get to the point where she wanted to do it.   No, she did not want to do it, not itself but it turned her on to have to do it.  She was more turned on by Xiang dominating her than by the sexual act.

She relaxed her tense and weakened neck. 

She locked lips with Xiang’s lower lips.

She “cleaned” with lips and tongue.  She licked and sucked.  She went at her cleaning task with servile dedication.  She couldn’t help it.  How could she not lick submissively when forced to do it, when humping on the bed, and when hugged by the legs of a dominant Mistress?

How could she obey without being servile? 

Maybe if she didn’t lick so fast and deep….

Maybe if she did not spear her tongue inside Xiang….

Maybe if she did not breathe in pussy scent and hold it in her lungs like it was the smell of her favorite snack….

Maybe if she did not intentionally rub her nose on Xiang’s clitoris….

Maybe if she did not show such obvious enthusiasm for “cleaning.”

Xiang made a long ahh sound, then gasped, “A nice deep cleaning to start the day.  It is so good to have a clean pussy, so freshly cleaned by a dirty slut.”

She was a dirty slut.  Rylie felt like it.  Did Xiang say it should be a deep cleaning?  Okay.  Yes.  If Xiang said it, then Rylie must do it.  She must she must, because she felt the lust.

Rylie crammed her tongue into Xiang’s tight pussy.  She pushed her mouth down hard and in, pushing aside labia lips, stretching her tongue.  She would get her tongue as deep as possible!  She would clean her Mistress as well as she possibly could!

Oh God!  She’d just thought of Xiang as her Mistress and it felt so damn true.

Xiang orgasmed.  Rylie desperately tongue fucked her throughout the orgasm and then sucked up Xiang’s spend.

Rylie was on a mission.  She had to get her Mistress’s pussy all clean.  She felt so dirty.  It was such dirty work cleaning Mistress pussy.

Rylie cleaned by mouth and mattress humped, getting ever closer to orgasm, but not close enough to make it.