Good Examples Gone Bad, Chapter 32

Fang entered the doll room, seeming to be in a rush as she turned off the vibrations in the vibrator and butt plug and then tossed the remote controls on the floor.

“Get on your back, American slut!”

Aspen did not hesitate.  Fang was in a mood to reward her.  Aspen felt needy for direction and Fang gave it to her.  Aspen flipped over onto her back.  The vibrator slid out of her as she flipped.  It was a flip over and slip out.  Aspen reached for the vibrator but Fang slapped her hand away.

“Never mind that, sexy doll.  We don’t need it.  Your Mistress Fang is all worked up from watching American slut be the doll.  So obedient!  Your obedience is most arousing.  My success with you is also most arousing.  Soon you will only do what I want you to do.  Soon you will only think what I want you to think.  Soon you will only care what I want and not at all what you want.”

That sounded… bad?  It was bad, right?  But Mistress Fang did sound so pleased… and pleasing her felt so important to Aspen now.

Fang moved around and straddled Aspen’s head.  Aspen knew exactly what was coming and, incredible to herself, she looked forward to it.

Fang plopped down on Aspen’s face.  The move made a sound like a wet towel dropped on cement. 

Fang’s pussy was quite wet.  Aspen realized that while her own orgasm was delayed, Fang must have also delayed hers.  Poor Fang!  Aspen had better do something to help her Mi– … to help Fang.

Aspen went at the pussy like a nibble fish after a soaked piece of bread in the water.  If the nibble fish had a tongue and was super hungry.

Aspen’s stomach growled.  She was looking forward to eating lunch but, for now, she would eat pussy and be grateful for the treat.

Aspen thought this was her reward.  Eating pussy.  Servicing Fang.  It felt like a reward to her though she bet Fang thought giving her lunch was the actual reward.

Fang moaned and said, “At last, I sit on the American slut’s face again.  She goes at my pussy ever so eagerly.  Yes, denying her food was such the good move.  I must maintain this lack of food program.  Make her so skinny she is just like a doll.  Keep her always hungry for my pussy.”

So… no lunch?

Aspen was so hungry!

She guessed… she better just eat as much pussy as she could.  Get it while it was hot and all that.  All she could eat.

Aspen licked furiously.  She knew it probably wasn’t good to reward Fang for denying her food.  That wasn’t why she licked so rapidly and tried to do her best.  She did not think it was.  But when Aspen had licked eagerly, Fang had just said denying Aspen food was a good move, so it seemed like when Aspen gave Fang positive sensations it fed into her belief that starving Aspen was a good idea.

Which was not good for Aspen!  But it did not matter.  Once she started licking, she could not stop.  She could not lick slowly or with disinterest.  She had no choice.  She had to reward Fang for depriving her of food.  And for mistreating her all morning.

“Do you like your reward, American slut?  Do you like my tasty pussy?”

Aspen did.  She did not want to, but she did.  But how was she supposed to tell Fang when Fang sat—

Oh.  Fang had just lifted her pussy a few inches above Aspen’s tongue range.

Oh no.  Now Aspen had to say it out loud?  Say what Fang wanted her to say?

Yes, she did have to.  Otherwise, Fang might not sit back down on her mouth.  Obviously, she had to do it.

“Yes.  I like it.”

“Say it nasty, American slut.  Details!  I want to hear details!”

“I like my reward.  I like licking your pussy.”

Oh no.  It was true.

Fang sounded amused, “I knew you would be happy with your Mistress Fang’s wonderful reward to you.  Your Mistress Fang’s pussy is ample replacement for those two meals you miss each day.  I will have you eat my pussy more than twice a day and so, in a way, you will eat more often than ever before even as you shrink from slim to skinny to near impossible doll figure.”

Fang was really serious about half-starving Aspen!

Fang verbally manipulated, always wanting more, “Since you like your gift, you should thank your Mistress Fang.  Remember to be detailed!”

Thank her?  Thank her!?!  For having to lick her pussy?

Fang swiveled her pussy around above Aspen’s face, like a stripper trying to tempt a generous tipping customer.

Aspen did feel thankful.  She was well aware she should not feel that way.  But she did.  And she was well aware she should not debase herself by thanking Fang for rewarding her by letting her lick pussy. 

But she did it anyway.

“Thank you for letting me lick your pussy.”

“Greater sincerity!  More detail!”

Fang was so demanding!  Aspen at the same time hated it and liked how demanding Fang was.

It did work for Fang.  Because Aspen did as her Mistress ordered.

“Thank you so much for letting me lick your pussy!  It’s a great reward for anyone, but especially for an American slut like me.  Please, please sit back down on my face!”

“Yes, fine.  You beg adequately so far.  Soon your begging will greatly improve.  Why so?  Practice!  Much practice!  What you do a lot, you will get good at.”

Fang plopped back down on Aspen’s face.  Aspen went to licking like she could not possibly lick fast enough.  She was grateful for the return of pussy and she was hungry for it.  Deeper down, she was grateful Fang had not made her call Fang her Mistress.   Bad enough that Aspen’s mind sometimes screwed up and thought of Fang as her Mistress!  Aspen needed to keep her mouth a “Mistress virgin.”

Even as she licked her Mistress’s pussy, her mouth was still some kind of Mistress virgin.  Better to lick it than to call it that.  Aspen would not have thought licking a pussy, something she’d never done before coming to the Chiu estate, was a lesser evil than calling some Chinese spoiled rich bitch punk her Mistress, but it was true now.

The pussy licking ship had sailed.  Her tongue had sailed into pussy port and vagina harbor three times now.  The “calling Fang Mistress” ship was not yet christened.

Not yet?  It wouldn’t be.


For a time, Aspen lost herself in pussy licking.  It was hard to do anything else, even thinking.  Fang was sitting on her face while facing towards Aspen’s feet.  Fang’s pussy was literally in Aspen’s face, including Fang’s smooth, small yet full ass.

Fang often pressed down harder, demandingly, and when she did that, Aspen responded with more vigorous and deeper licks.  Fang sometimes moaned things like, “Yes.  Good.” Or “American slut understands what her Mistress wants.”

Aspen knew she should be upset about Fang calling herself Aspen’s Mistress.  And Aspen was worried about it in a distant way.  But her concern was lost under her feeling of submissive accomplishment in pleasing her Mistress.  Er, in pleasing Fang.  Her concern was lost under that emotion much like Aspen’s face was lost under Fang’s flesh-swamping of Aspen’s head.

Aspen still felt a strong need to orgasm but that need, no matter how strong, took a distant second to her new need to please Mistress Fang.  Aspen had never in her life felt a need to please a Master let alone a Mistress, yet that need was so powerful that it exceeded her need to satisfy her own pleasure.

Fang, sounding a little breathless, said, “American slut is comprehending her status: Her face directly under her Mistress Fang’s pussy but herself so very far under her Mistress Fang in status.  American slit will come to know she is of no importance at all other than what she can do to please her better, her much better, her far better, her Mistress Fang.”

Aspen hated to think any of that was true.  But she felt more and more that she was somehow right where she should be, on her back, pleasing Mistress Fang, her own pleasure unsatisfied, of distant second importance.

But it turned out her pleasure was of some importance.  To Fang.

First, Fang orgasmed.  Aspen licked and then started sucking and swallowing, feeling desperate to ingest as much Mistress juice as she could get.  She felt twin hungers, or thirsts, physical and emotional.  To swallow down all she could of Mistress Fang’s juices and to serve and submit entirely and with no hesitation.  With enthusiasm instead of reluctance.

Fang sounded pleased, in a nasty way, “Yes!  Suck it down, American slut!  You are so slutty!  Your Mistress likes it!  Always be slutty for your Mistress.  Enjoy your reward!  Yes, good, fresh coating all over your freckle-flawed face.  If I coat it enough times, perhaps the freckles will be obscured.”

Aspen felt a horrible self-esteem plummeting emotion.  That she was so sorry she had freckles that disturbed Mistress Fang.  She was so sorry she was born with them.  She was grateful that Mistress Fang was willing to tolerate them enough to sit on them.

Aspen felt that feeling, thought those thoughts, and then felt a new horror that she’d had them at all.  She started to shake her head in denial or to clear her head but of course that wasn’t possible with Fang sitting on her face.

Fang told her, “You are my new favorite doll.  I like playing with you.  I will never get tired of playing with you.”

Never was a long time….

“Stop licking and I will give you a nice shiny coating.”


Aspen cooperatively stopped licking.  Fang moved her pussy all over Aspen’s face, like Fang’s pussy was a big paintbrush.  Weren’t some paintbrushes made from camel or weasel fur or the fur of other animals?  Fang’s pussy paint brush used human pubic hair!

Fang painted Aspen’s face and Aspen lay there and took it.  Would she really have to go to dinner later with dried pussy juice on her face?  Would it be dried or would Fang add a fresh coat right before dinner? 

Aspen would be horrified if she did, but not surprised.  Fang was obviously into humiliating her and Aspen doubted Fang would feel any shame if Rylie and Xiang and Fang’s own grandmother saw the sheen of pussy juice on Aspen’s face at dinner and figured out what it was.  No, Fang would be proud of it!

Fang rose up from her squat, only a foot, and peered down at Aspen’s face.

“Yes, yes, your Mistress Fang has achieved full coating.  No inch left dry!  Even into hairline!  Most sexy!  Your face is all shiny and I bet you do not know what it reminds me of.  It reminds me of shiny faces of dolls fresh out of packaging.  You look even more doll-like when shined up.  Pussy shine!  Perhaps I will graciously sit on your face before each and every doll session.”

Fang sat back down on Aspen’s face, “We are not done.  Lick your Mistress Fang to another orgasm.  I will reward you yet again as you enjoy your first reward, that of licking your Mistress’s pussy.”

Another reward?  Aspen wondered what it could be as she went back to licking, still enjoying her first reward, the privilege of eating Mistress Fang’s pussy.

Aspen felt the pussy above her shift and weigh heavier on her mouth and then realized Fang had bent way forward.

And then Fang licked her pussy!  And kept licking!

Aspen spread her legs, helping Fang help her by giving greater access.  It felt like Fang was helping her.  No, coming to her rescue.  Aspen gratefully went after Fang’s pussy with new added passion.

Mistress Fang was giving her pleasure!  It made her want to please Mistress Fang.  Aspen’s enthusiastic pussy licking became even more ardent.

In the heat of lust, totally lost on Aspen, was the unfairness that to Fang, having Aspen lick her pussy and Fang licking Aspen’s pussy were both rewards for Aspen.

Most unfair of all, had Aspen thought about it, was Aspen feeling like both acts, her licking pussy and her pussy getting licked, were both rewards to her.

The vibrator was out of her pussy but the butt plug was still in her. Aspen liked it now. Fang’s mouth made her like everything.

Aspen groaned thru her licks.  It was getting to her and she wanted to be gotten.

Fang lifted her face up from Aspen’s pussy, “Your Mistress Fang will teach you how best to please your Mistress Fang.  Do all the same things with your mouth as I do with mine.  This is another gift I give to you.  The gift of greater ability to make your Mistress Fang happy.”

Fang lowered her mouth and went back to work.  Aspen immediately copied her.  Everything Fang did, Aspen did. 

Fang traced pussy lips with her tongue.  Aspen traced Fang’s pussy lips with her tongue.

Fang lapped rapidly, bouncing pussy lips with her tongue.  Aspen did the same.

Fang poked her tongue deep.  Aspen poked her tongue deep.

Fang nuzzled her nose on the top of Aspen’s slit and Aspen hurried to do the same to Fang’s sex.

Fang sucked on Aspen’s clit and Aspen for a moment could not do the same.  She arched and her mouth opened wide as she dealt with the sensation, barely keeping herself from cumming.  Her motivation to delay cumming was the desire, the need, to obey and do the same thing for Fang.

Aspen recovered just a little and captured Fang’s clitoris and sucked on it.

They both had to release the clitorises as they orgasmed.  Fang rose up and rode Aspen’s face.  Aspen took it happily, basking in the basting.  Aspen’s butt slapped on the carpet and Fang’s hand slapped on her pussy, adding pain to Aspen’s orgasm, boosting its power.

When Fang’s orgasm finally passed, she stood up and announced, “The morning doll practice for you is complete.  Now, we will go have lunch.  I use the term “we” loosely, of course.  You will cook me lunch, and serve me lunch, and then you will watch me eat lunch.

“You will look forward to eating dinner, your one meal of the day.  At dinner, your appetite will convince Grandma Caihong that I have not broken you and all goes well with Flame Hair Freckle Face.  Yes, all does go well if anyone asks me.  Very well!

“After lunch, from then until dinner at seven, we will continue to work on you becoming the best possible doll.  You had fine doll orgasms this morning.  You are such a sexy doll despite the freckles.  With even greater obedience, less motion, and skinnier like doll every day, you will eventually become your Mistress Fang’s favorite dolly.  Leave the butt plug in your ass for lunch time.  Why take it out only to put it back in? 

“Your Mistress Fang is most pleased with her new doll for her collection!  Maybe one day I will get you to the point of holding a single doll position for twenty-four hours, no motion at all other than deeper breathing and shaking as you cum over and over.  Isn’t this so wonderful?”

Aspen’s alarmed wide-eyed look disagreed with her.  Aspen wouldn’t get lunch after all.  Fang was serious about Aspen only getting one meal a day. 

The morning spent as a near-motionless doll was hard on Aspen and now she knew she would have twice as much time that afternoon doing the same thing.

How many more doll orgasms could she take?