“Good Examples Gone Bad,” Chapter 31, is Now Available! For FREE! (Along with the previous 30 chapters)

Fang, one half of a set of Chinese wealth princess twins, has one of the beautiful American women, Aspen, all to herself and Fang is having her way with Aspen. And her way is truly bizarre! And upsetting to Aspen! And oh so arousing! Aspen struggles as she gets more turned on and falls deeper into submission.



  1. Hi Jordan,

    Just wanted to check up if you were doing okay since it’s been 27 days since Book 5 was released? It’s been awhile. In contrast, your pony-girl series you did involving that veterinarian at that ranch had a really quick release schedule.

    I did see Book 6 today and really enjoyed the additions of Dannika and Sterse, but there are some things that I saw that I believe should be addressed in future stories.

    I don’t see how Florus’s personal story can be moved any further since whenever readers are introduced to scenes of her at this point, it’s usually just Florus doing some repetitive (and repetitive) repeat of BDSM related lesbian stuff with Alure. Not really much reluctance (if at all) since at this point, she looks to be completely under the thrall of Alure.

    As a character, Florus no longer serves much of a point in the story other than having a connection to Rinnassa. But then again, it was already mentioned in Book 6 that Alure wants to get to Rinnassa through Mysty. I would even say that Florus is redundant.

    With the introduction of Dannika and Sterse, Florus’s scenes (and the character itself) beco,e redundantly repetitive. Character-wise, she is at a dead-end, and story-wise, she is at a dead-end despite her being the protagonist. She is at a dead-end because whenever readers are shown scenes of her at this point in the story, all she does is BDSM lesbian stuff…doesn’t really move the story forward or shifts the story to an interesting way. Florus does nothing interesting but become a total submissive.

    My analogy to this? Well, it’s like if you wrote a book about a protagonist, and sure, they (I’m using the word “they” because it might be a “he” or a “she”) might seem interesting in the first book, but then you write yourself into a sort-of plot corner in which they do nothing but stay at home and eat all day whenever the book’s scenes pans back towards their perspective. They don’t move or change the story. Meanwhile, other characters in that story are involved in world-saving or political intrigue, but instead of getting involved, the protagonist is just eating food at home whenever his scenes are shown.

    Likewise, If all Florus is going to do is just stay at home and do some BDSM with Alure (or Virrin), then I really recommend you move away from that character and focus on other characters moving forward.

    To be honest, I find Florus boring and uninteresting now. Besides, she is more or less a lesbian now. Probably a super-lesbian. That would be my honest critique of Florus.

    Introducing Dannika and Sterse treads new ground into the story. I find them way more interesting, and I am looking forward to seeing how two strong-willed women deal with visiting the pleasure house.

    1. I get it, Star Particles. I am also a huge fan of the fresh seduction and the work of changing a subject in many ways rather than simply doing many things to them. That said, Florus does get taken over new thresholds. In Book 6, she has to assist Alure and betray her friend. It is a new level of submission. Books 7, 8, and 9 have little Florus content, I can reveal that much. Actually, there is a great scene with her in Book 9 but she is not the primary content. Again, a new sort of submission. There is a VERY NEW threshold for her to cross in Book 10. Florus currently (Book 6) is a “seeming submissive.” She obeys all the orders but she has not truly fully given up resistance or embraced her new self. In other words, there is still work to be done on her.

      The main thing, though, is that there are more new seductions/dominations coming up, at least 5 more of them in this series. I’m open-ended on this series so it may be more than that, 5 more is only a minimum, not the max.

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