Good Examples Gone Bad, Chapter 29

Fang said, “Yes, good, the American slut has achieved full penetration in her tight pussy.  Slutty wetness helped much.  I am sure of it.  It is so amusing how American slut makes faces and even dares words as if she does not like what Fang makes her do.  Her slut pussy tells the truth.”

Aspen wished her pussy would learn to lie.  You’d think sluts would not be trustworthy!

Fang coached her, “Come now, American slut.  You do not penetrate and then leave there.  You must know how to fuck, how to fuck self.  All sluts instinctively know it.  Now you must thrust it and keep thrusting.  I will tell you when to stop and to be doll-like.”

Fang was telling her to fuck herself!  Right in front of Fang!

Aspen thought ruefully perhaps that was not so shocking.  The young woman had sat on her face, made Aspen lick her pussy, and orgasmed on her.  Twice already!  In less than twenty-four hours!

Aspen fucked herself with the small to moderate sized dildo.  Yes, she did know what to do.  She just had not wanted to do it.  But very quickly she found herself doing it and nearly instantly it was what she did want to do.

Oh, she was so fucked!  She was so turned on all over again.  With no guy within a football field or probably a lot further away.  

Aspen wished she’d known that “friendship companion” was a synonym for lesbian slut before she signed that contract and made plans for that money.

She never would have signed that damn contract!

Probably not….

But what if she had known friendship companion was synonymous with lesbian slut and had also known about the big orgasms she’d have?  What then?  Would she have signed the contract?

It was hard to resist two hundred thousand dollars and big orgasms.  True that.  But Aspen was worried about more than what had yet occurred.  Where would this end up?  Fang had impacted her a lot in a very short time.  Yet there were months more ahead.

What more might Fang make her do or do to her?  In what way would it change Aspen?  Would those changes be permanent?

It was scary! It was also exciting….

It was the sexual equivalent of walking next to a cliff’s edge.  But this one had no sign posts and no map and no railing.  And it had a bitchy wealth princess constantly trying to push her off the edge!

Fang said, “Yes, yes, very exciting.  You are so excited.  Your cheeks are red.  Your labia are so red.  So slutty!  Continue to repeatedly penetrate your slutty pussy.”

Aspen continued to repeatedly penetrate her slutty pussy.  Hey, she had her orders.  And it was feeling super good.

“Your Mistress Fang is willing to bet you wish she would sit on your face right now.”

Gross!  No!

Sort of….

“Do not orgasm.  Tell me when you are close to orgasm.”

Aspen wasn’t going to tell her shit!

Don’t orgasm?  That sounded like Aspen just a little while ago.  She had wanted to keep away from orgasms.  Well, fuck Fang and fuck Aspen five minutes into the past!  Fuck them! 

Current events Aspen wanted her orgasm.  As soon as possible!

Fang warned, “You will resist orgasm and you tell your Mistress Fang when you are close or you will feel my hand many times on your backside.  And then we will start all over again.  We have all day.”

Oh, Fang was such a beast of a short fat-thighed Chinese wealth princess!

Did Fang want to know when Aspen was close to orgasm in order to stop her from orgasming or simply to make her do something debasing like beg for it?

The first would be a disaster.  The second Aspen could handle.  A little more debasement, a little begging, wouldn’t ruin Aspen.  But no orgasm?  That would be a problem!

Aspen decided she better obey Fang and hope the best.  The only thing she knew for certain was the spanking she’d take if she did not obey.

All this getting bossed around teamed up with the thrusting dildo to do a number on Aspen.  It made her orgasm come roaring closer much sooner than expected.  She had to stop thrusting.  She had to make a report to Mistress Fang!

Uh, um, she needed to admit to Fang – Fang – that she was getting close.

Just having to say it was humiliating.  Fang must know it anyway.  She could see it.  But saying it was like a confession.

“I’m close now.”

“Close to what, American slut?  Close to carpet on floor?  Close to other dolls, your new doll friends?”

“I’m close to an orgasm!”

“Why would you be so close to an orgasm and so soon and like this, on floor in bunch of dolls, watched by your Mistress Fang?  What kind of doll person could be so close to an orgasm so soon under such conditions?”

“Because I’m a slut!”  Now that was a confession.

“Good self-awareness, American slut.  Now push the device all the way inside and close lip doors behind it.  Then sit up so you are sitting on your pussy and it cannot slide back out.”

Aspen followed the directions, very nearly cumming.

Once she was back in the sitting up Indian-style position, Fang told her, “Remain just like that.  Be the doll.  Be be be the doll.  No motion.  You may breathe.  It is necessary.  Your Mistress Fang is realistic.  No doll human will obediently stop breathing even to please her Mistress Fang.  I learned that the hard way one time – hard way for the human doll – and Grandma Caihong made Fang face consequences.  Fang does learn.  Therefore, Fang graciously allows you to breathe.”

Jesus!  Was she serious?  Aspen felt sorry for her predecessor human doll, whoever it was.  She wondered if they were still alive.  The Chiu estate had a lot of land, plenty of places to bury a body. 

Fang was a maniac!  Aspen was in the hands of a maniac!  She was a human doll in the collection of a maniacal Chinese wealth princess!

Aspen thought she should run for it.  She also thought she should feel like running for it.  But she felt no healthy urge to get away.  She would have to leave the dildo behind.  There was no way she could run with it inside her.  Not if she wanted to keep it in.  Unfortunately, her need for an orgasm would come with her.

She felt certain that staying offered the best hope for an orgasm.  One of those new kinds of orgasms.  A Chinese made one.  They were so huge!  Aspen could leave and give herself an orgasm but her previous self-induced ones could not hold a candle to the infernos Fang unleashed in her.

Fang went to the door of the room and turned back with some final words, “Be perfectly still.  No humping!  No cumming!  Concentrate on being a doll.  Do this despite pleasure adversity.  This adversity will increase greatly once your Mistress Fang activates vibrations.  No cumming!  Show no emotion!  Stay most still!  I will give you motivation.  If you speak or move or orgasm, then we begin again but you will then also have the vibrating butt plug up your American slut ass.  Which will also be a spanked American slut ass!”

Fang left.

Aspen was incredulous.  She’d thought her morning pretending to be a motionless doll was torture.  Now it was so much worse!  She needed an orgasm.  What would happen when Fang turned on the vibrator?

It wasn’t long before she found out.  Less than a minute after Fang left, Aspen felt vibrations.  The vibrations were much less powerful than Aspen had expected.  At first.

A hum and a thrum between Aspen’s legs.  It felt odd but it didn’t seem like anything she could not deal with.  At first.

Aspen maintained her motionless doll pose.  She could do this!

The vibrations did seem to add up over time.  It was like waves washing in to shore and then washing back out, but with each wave some water – some sensation – was left behind.  That got added to the next wave that washed to shore.  But these waves were pulses of vibrations and they came much faster than regular waves, each one only lasting a tiny fraction of a second.

After what was probably several minutes but felt like half an hour of exquisite resistance to her body’s call for motion, Aspen felt the vibrations double in power. 

She couldn’t help it.  She moaned and shifted slightly in unwilling response.

She heard Fang on the walkie-talkie, “No sounds, doll slut!  No motion, doll slut!  You better not cum.  I have the vibrating butt plug right here next to me.  Like big fat metal bug that wants to burrow into warm place in your body.”

Fuck!  Aspen did not want that butt plug anywhere near her.  She didn’t even want to think about it!

Especially because the vibrations from the dildo inside her were literally making her sweat.  They were doing their job on her and it was working.  The damn thing was supposed to cause pleasure.  Aspen cursed the makers of the vibrating dildo.  Why did those fuckers have to be so good at designing it?

The rapid vibrations throbbed in all directions but Aspen particularly felt them pulse into her clitoris.  Aspen’s tummy shook.  Her abdominal muscles jumped.  Aspen wished she could cum.  Aspen wished she could move.  The vibrations were driving her crazy and her neediness kept making her want to move.  Not just any movement.  She wanted to cup her pussy with both hands, then hump on them and keep doing that until she came.

Fang warned her the next time before upping the power of the vibrations, “Hold still, American slut.  Here comes more pleasure for your slut pussy.  Be the doll!”

Aspen wasn’t sure if she could take any more!  Yet she had no choice.

The vibrations increased!  Aspen pursed her lips.  A moan tried to get out but she suffocated it.  The butt plug was very much on her mind.  She had to keep that thing away from her. 

Anything sexual involving her ass was next-level shit and she wanted nothing to do with it.  She felt ever so slutty but she did not want to be a slut.  Aspen thought sluts probably did lots of stuff with the ass. 

Be the doll.  Be the doll.  Be the doll.

It was her new mantra.  It had to be.  She hated that it was probably a mantra Fang would approve of but she did not want that butt plug up her ass.

The old mantra was defunct. 

“I will not get turned on by Fang or anything Fang does.”  That one wasn’t working.  The vibrator in Aspen’s pussy was something Fang had done to her.  Aspen had to admit it: she did get turned on from things Fang did to her.  Some of the things.  Many of the things.  Too many of the things Fang did. 

The vibrator was understandable.  That was physiological.  Same thing with how Fang had her fuck herself with it.  Physiological.  But Aspen knew she was turned on before that by other things.  Even having to play doll as the doll! 

And she was turned from knowing Fang was watching her.  She knew Fang was looking at her nude body with appreciation.

Other things were an unexpected turn on.  Fang bossing her around.  Having to obey Fang.  It pissed Aspen off to no end and it also turned her on at a certain end.

Oh, Aspen could barely stand the vibrations now!  Had Fang turned it up again or were the sensations gathering and building power, like water behind a dam?

Aspen rocked forward a little, her pussy on the carpet. 

Fang’s voice crackled over the walkie-talkie, “No swaying!”

Aspen picked up the walkie-talkie and depressed the switch.  She protested, “I’m just trying to keep it inside me like you told me to.”

“That is bullshit.  Never bullshit your Mistress Fang.  You must be a typical doll.  Motionless.  Motion.  Less.  So much less motion that it is none at all.  No swaying like haunted doll!  I do not want any haunted dolls.  They are big problem in doll world.  Many dolls are haunted.  Spirits like them because they are human reminiscent and because it often gives them access to children.  Of course, for eventual spiritual possession of the child.”

Fang was a nut!

Aspen was teamed up with an evil twin who was also a nut, and Aspen was obeying her.  And she had six more months of this to look forward to.  No, wait, to dread.

Fang added, “Also, no more talk on walkie-talkie for you.  Dolls do not talk on walkie-talkies.  Do you know why, stupid?  Because dolls do not speak!  You must make up for this error.  Caress the walkie-talkie all over your little titties.  Rub it on the pierced nipples.  Do it now!”

Damn it.  Every time Aspen tried to make things better for herself, to fight back or persuade Fang on something, she ended up worse off!

It almost made her want to give up.  To just give in all the time.  It was oddly tempting.  To give up the battle….

No!  That dark lusty feeling in her would take over.  Fang would take over!

Holy shit.  Fang probably wouldn’t let her leave after the six months if she obeyed too well and was too into it.  Holy motherfucking shit!  Aspen probably would not even want to leave after the six months!  She was already pretty damn confused about what she did and did not want after less than one day.

Like with this latest thing.  She was supposed to avoid cumming.  That’s what Fang wanted.  She’d started off not wanting to cum but now she did want to cum.  When Fang wanted her to cum, she resisted.  When she wanted to cum, Fang would not let her.  It was hard to keep track of whether she was coming or going.  But she was not cumming!

Did Fang really not want Aspen to cum?  Aspen bet Fang did want her to cum.  Fang, that twisted fuck, wanted to make Aspen take that butt plug as a consequence for cumming, even though Fang damn well wanted Aspen to orgasm.  Fang intended to punish her for doing what Fang really wanted.

Aspen knew that Fang had all the leverage in their… she did not want to think of it as a relationship.  In their situation.  In Aspen’s predicament.  Fang could have simply made Aspen take both the vibrating dildo and the vibrating butt plug.  Aspen would have had to give in. 

But Fang did not do that.  Why not?  Aspen bet it was in order to fuck with Aspen’s mind.  To make Aspen feel like it was her fault.  To emphasize Aspen’s reactions.  It would drive home a point with a butt plug driven home into her ass.  That Aspen was so turned on that even under threat of anal penetration she did not stop herself from cumming.

Fang did want her to cum!  And Aspen should not want that.  Physically, she did.  But she knew it was not wise.  It would play into Fang’s manipulation.

It was so frustrating that a twenty-year-old was pulling this shit with Aspen who was twenty-three.  Aspen was more real-world because she generally had to do things for herself.  She should be more worldly than Fang.  She probably was but Fang had money and Caihong had the contract and Aspen had no leverage.

No leverage and a lot of slipperiness.

She was probably leaving a wet spot on the carpet.  It would probably be obvious when Fang eventually allowed her to stand. 

It would be a bigger wet spot when she orgasmed.

Wait, was it “when” she orgasmed or if she orgasmed?

Everything was stacked against her with the vibrator stuffed inside her. Fang could make Aspen keep the vibrator in for who knew how long. Hours. Fang could probably up the vibrational power yet further on the damn thing.

Aspen did feel doomed.  Doomed to orgasm.

A problem just as big as the vibrator and a lot more troubling was how aroused Aspen was by things other than the strictly physical.  From Fang verbally abusing her, because Fang humiliated her, Fang making her do things, and Fang objectified her.  Dolls were objects!  Making Aspen behave – or stay still – like a doll might be the ultimate in objectification.

Weird.  Aspen had always thought only men objectified women.  It turned out that was not always the case.

Fang sounded stern, “I am waiting.  Make sexy rubs of walkie-talkie on your body.  You want to.  You are so slutty.  No more keeping your Mistress Fang waiting!”

And now this thing with the walkie-talkie.  It wasn’t even a sex toy like the vibrating dildo.  It shouldn’t have anything to do with sex. 

Aspen held the walkie-talkie and looked at it.  Even before doing anything with it, any rubbing, anything sexual, she was turned on by the idea of doing it.  She was turned on that Fang was making her do it.  She felt the humiliation of the order.  She knew the camera was probably recording.  Doing anything sexual with the walkie-talkie was completely compromising and sick.

And it turned her on.  And she wanted to do it.

Aspen caressed the walkie-talkie across the upper slopes of her modest breasts.  Her neediness made her breasts feel so much more sensitive than usual.

She heard a muffled giggle coming from the walkie-talkie!  As she caressed it down between her breasts.

She fumbled with the walkie-talkie and then caressed it across the undersides of her breasts.  She heard more giggles coming from it as well as what sounded like a slap.  Like maybe Fang was slapping her thigh in excitement.

Maybe Aspen wasn’t the only one who couldn’t believe what Aspen was doing!

She bet Fang felt so damn triumphant. 

Aspen felt so damn something.  Not triumphant.  Defeated and humiliated and yet accompanied by triumphant-level pleasure and lust.

She’d avoided her nipples for obvious reasons.  The bald Chinese lady who pierced them had somehow made them hypersensitive.  Even without any contact, they often throbbed like her clitoris when it was swollen.  Her nipples were constantly hard. 

Just yesterday, Fang’s grandmother had messed with them, jerking on them, and Aspen had nearly orgasmed!

Fang would not let Aspen avoid her nipples.  Fang’s demand crackled over the walkie-talkie, “Now do the nipples.  Do them like American slut!”

Right after that, when Aspen tried to think of a way to make it look like she touched the walkie-talkie to her nipples without actually doing it, Aspen felt the vibrator vibrate more powerfully.  Fang, that bitch, had turned it up again!

How was Aspen supposed to avoid cumming when Fang kept doing that?

Easy answer: She wasn’t.

Distracted by the vibrations, turned on by them, feeling hopelessly aroused and doomed to orgasm, Aspen rubbed the back the walkie-talkie against her erect pierced right nipple.

It felt so damnably good that she had to freeze for a moment to avoid cumming.  She moved it to her left nipple but that was only going from the nipple frying pan into the nipple fire.  The contact with her equally hard and arguably even more sensitive left nipple made her shudder just short of an orgasm.

She did it and she hadn’t orgasmed!

Not so fast.

Fang’s voice demanded, “Stupid American slut!  You rubbed the nipples with back of walkie-talkie, with battery compartment.  So dumb.  That is not proper nipple pleasuring technique when using walkie-talkie!”

It wasn’t?  Was there a reference in the manual?  Was it in the manual’s troubleshooting section?

“Use the big fat stubby antenna.  Flick the nipples!  Flick them!”

Oh mama!  Could she take that without cumming?  Maybe.  There was only one way to find out.  A girl pretending to be a doll and breast masturbating with a walkie-talkie had to do what a girl pretending to be a doll and breast masturbating had to do….

Aspen flicked her right nipple with the antenna.  She stiffened but held her orgasm off.

She gently, carefully, flicked her left nipple.  It was a gentle flick, only slightly lifting her nipple before it bobbed back in place.  Even that little flick made her eyes water from the need to orgasm. 

But she didn’t!  She hadn’t orgasmed!  Even with the damn vibrator in her pussy going crazy, shaking around like a bear trying to escape a parakeet cage.

She had successfully resisted!  Yay for Team Aspen!

Fang was not on Team Aspen, “Stupid American slut!  You must flick the slutty nipples hard!  Very hard!  Most hard!  Antenna whip your slutty nipples!  They like it hard!  Do it now!”

Team Aspen was so fucked!

Aspen knew what would happen.  But she knew if she didn’t do it, Fang would still get her to do it.  Aspen mentally turned into the curve.  Damn it, she wanted an orgasm anyway. 

Aspen smacked the short wide plastic antenna on her right nipple and started to cum.  Wanting it now, wanting even more sensation, wanting the biggest possible orgasm, while she still had motor control, she antenna-smacked her left nipple.

Her orgasm skyrocketed.  She fell backward and kicked her legs out from the Indian-style position.  The walkie-talkie tumbled out of her hand.  Her orgasmic energy made her lift and drop her hips repeatedly, like she was performing an exercise, or like she was offering her pussy to Fang’s camera view.  She heard Fang giggling over the walkie-talkie.