Good Examples Gone Bad, Chapter 25

When Aspen woke up, she immediately wished she hadn’t.  Sunshine shown thru the many windows in Fang Chiu’s huge bedroom.

Aspen was socially horrified to remember she was in bed with a spoiled Chinese heiress, a foul-mouthed and fouler minded wealth princess, and they were both naked!

Fang spanked her last night!  Fang even spanked Aspen’s pussy!

That wasn’t even the worst of it.  Not even close.  Fang had gotten Aspen to lick her pussy!  Fang had finger-fucked Aspen!

Holy fucking fingerfuck!  Super lesbian!

Fang was a demented adult child.  She had dressed Aspen up as a damn doll.  And then had sex with her!

Fang had even called herself Aspen’s Mistress.  She’d called herself that many times!

Thankfully, Aspen had not called Fang Mistress.  And she wouldn’t!

Aspen saw that Fang was still asleep.  Thank God for small favors, but then again, the Chinese bitch would wake up sooner or later.

Fang looked so sweet and innocent while asleep.  Not at all like her personality!

Aspen never ever would have signed up to be a personal companion if she’d known Fang’s sexual preferences.  Or about her own apparent weakness to someone dominating her.  Fuck the money.  Aspen would have found a different way to score.  Maybe even through hard work!

Anything was better than getting sexually dominated by a Chinese wealth princess.  Way too lesbian!  No thanks!

The bed smelled like sex.  No, not quite.  It did not smell like the sex between a man and a woman.  It smelled like those nights when Aspen went on a masturbation spree.  It was all the female scent of sex and none of the male.

Sex.  She’d had sex with Fang!  What a freaking poor choice of sexual partners!  Not that Aspen chose Fang.  More like Fang chose her or chose to make her have sex.

Holy fuck, what would Rylie think?  Rylie had better not find out.

Aspen knew the biggest risk of Rylie finding out might be from herself.  Aspen loved to talk, loved to share intimate details with a friend, and usually told Rylie every single little thing, even when Rylie did not want to hear it.  Rylie was her best bud.

Aspen already thought Rylie might think, just a little, that Aspen was a little slutty.  Which wasn’t that big of a deal.  Aspen thought sluts really got sold short.  Where would the world be with no sluts?  Less sex.  Less progeny.  More collective stress amongst humanity. 

But Aspen did not want Rylie to know she was a slut or to think Aspen was a lesbian slut.

It was all so embarrassing!  And Aspen was not an easily embarrassed person.

So… now what?  They were here, at the Chiu estate.  Their friendship companion contracts had begun.  But they were only less than one day into it.  They faced six months total.  The thought of five more months and twenty-nine more days made Aspen want to groan.

Well, there was no way it could continue like this.  Aspen was sure Fang would like it if it did continue like this but, come on, no way. 

Fang was an evil bitch!  Fang was absolutely for sure the evil twin.  Rylie had lucked out getting Xiang.  Aspen had an urge to try to talk Rylie into trading twins but then thought better of it.  She would not wish Fang on anyone and certainly not on her best friend.

Aspen thought she would have to handle this.  She was pretty sure she could.  Fang was a lot richer than her but she was younger and less worldly.  Plus, you know, she was Chinese in America and Aspen was American in America.

But did Aspen really have homefield advantage when they were stuck here at the Chiu estate?  This was literally Fang’s home.  Or one of them.

Aspen’s face felt slightly itchy.  She rubbed a hand across it and realized she was a little sticky around her mouth.  On her lips.  On her cheeks.  What was—

Oh, fucking gross!

It was Fang’s dried pussy juice!

Aspen remembered Fang riding her face while fingerfucking her pussy.  And both of them having orgasms.  Then Fang had rolled off, saying something in Chinese.

Then they’d both passed out.  At least Aspen knew she had.

At least right now Fang wasn’t laying on her arm.  Aspen would have had to go all coyote ugly syndrome and would have had to chew off her own arm to get away without waking Fang up. 

“Good morning, Flame Hair Freckle Face.”

Oh shit!  Fang was awake!

“Uh, um, good morning.”

“Why you rub at face?  Your Mistress Fang leave her mark on you.  Her scent and her taste.  I think you should wear it all day as badge of honor.”

Fuck that!  It would be much worse than a scarlet letter of shame.  Aspen would opt for a fucking letter any day of the week over fucking pussy juice on her face!




“American slut companion, do not be tiresome.  Why be so tiresome?  We just woke up.”

Yeah, good one, whatever.  Aspen thought the tiresome thing around here was Fang thinking she could get away with anything.

Aspen was a paid companion!  Not a lesbian prostitute!  Did Fang not know the difference?

Fang peered at her like she was interested in Aspen’s answer.  What the hell did Fang expect?  That Aspen would say, “Hey, okay, I will wear your dried pussy juice on my face today.”

“Fang, I am not going to wear your… your juice from last night on my face.  I don’t know what the fuck you guys do in China but I doubt you do that and we sure as fuck don’t do it in America.”

Fang had the slightest of smiles.  She batted her eyes like she was trying to look innocent.

“Flame Hair Freckle Face, who cares what others have done or not done?  Not I.  But yes, in my country, I have often had sluts wear my juice on their faces.  It is a reward for them and a mark of my ownership of them.  Of course, I do not wear juice on my face.  I am not a slut.  I am a Mistress.”

“Whatever you say, Fang.”  Aspen rolled her eyes to show she did not think much of Fang’s claim.  It did make her wonder though.  Had Fang pulled this shit with other women?  She probably had.  She seemed pretty damn self-assured about her depredations.  She was young so she must have started early.  What made anyone start down a path of dominating others?

Fang said, “Here, let me help you.”

Fang sat up in bed to match Aspen’s sitting up position but also turned to face Aspen.  Fang reached out and put a hand on Aspen’s cheek. 

Aspen was confused.  Fang sounded like she was trying to be nice, which was good, and it sounded like she’d given up the ridiculous idea of Aspen wearing a dried Fang juice facial.  But it was a quick change of attitude and it put Aspen off balance.

Aspen did not like Fang’s hand on her face.  Any physical contact with a dominant lesbian was a bad physical contact but especially so if you were in bed with them and both of you were naked.  And you’d had sex the night before!

Aspen thought that was a truism.  But not a common one!

Suddenly Aspen was a lot more off balance.  Fang shifted her weight and pushed hard on Aspen’s face. 

Aspen had no choice in the matter.  She flopped backward, the back of her head sinking into a plush pillow.  Aspen made sounds of protest but no actual words as Fang slid her hand down to partially cover Aspen’s mouth.  Fang kept pressing hard on Aspen’s face and head.

Aspen started to fight in all seriousness, just instinctively, not knowing what Fang intended.

She may have fought a lot harder had she known what Fang intended!

Fang cautioned, “Do not twist and resist.  Be a good companion.  Calm your stupid freckles, Flame Hair Freckle Face.  Lay still or I will later on tell many uncomplimentary things to old grandma and to Xiang and to other American slut on estate.  We will see them at dinner tonight, at seven.”

Aspen paused her struggles.  Fang seemed intent.  It seemed like Aspen would have to fight her to resist whatever Fang was up to.  It wouldn’t look good if Fang showed up to dinner with a black eye.

Aspen and Rylie did have the contract.  There was a lot of money at stake.  Aspen had gotten her nipples pierced and Rylie had tattoos as part of their contract to serve as good examples for the twins by being bad examples of what not to do to their bodies.

Aspen did not want Rylie’s tattoos and her own piercings and tattoo (she’d gotten a tattoo also in solidarity with Rylie) to be for nothing.  They had to serve out the entire contract to get their money and, if they were successful, there was a huge bonus for them as well. 

The contract said they would get a one-time payment of one hundred thousand dollars each if they lasted the entire six months as “friendship companions” to the twins. 

Caihong Chiu, their grandmother, had added a verbal guarantee that their bonus would be doubled if they prevented the twins from using sex toys during those six months.  Caihong was concerned the sex toys would make the twins not need men and ultimately deprive Caihong of enjoying great-grandchildren.

The twins could refuse them as companions if they did not meet the twins’ expectations.  It was an “at will” contract, but one where only the wills of Fang and Xiang mattered.  Aspen and Rylie had assumed that meeting the twins’ expectations simply meant being friendly.  Now it seemed, with Aspen and Fang, it meant being way too friendly.  It meant Fang was way too friendly and Aspen had to cooperate with Fang’s “extreme friendliness.”

Also, in the contract, Caihong could kick them off the estate and end the contract at will, no reason needed.  But obviously, a bruised-up Fang Chiu would be plenty reason for Caihong to kick Aspen to the estate curb.

Aspen ceased her struggles.

The truth was, it had already felt unnatural, almost wrong, almost morally wrong, to resist Fang.  This was the Chiu estate and the damn spoiled little bitch was so used to getting her way and having her way that part of Aspen was starting to buy into it.

Fang lay on Aspen but she did not lay still.  She climbed up Aspen’s body, sliding along.

Bare flesh on bare flesh!

Aspen winced under Fang open-fingered hand pressing down on her face.  This was so intimate! 

Fang slid the front of her nude body right up the front of Aspen’s nude body.

And she just kept going!

Fang rose up and got her knees under her.  Which was to say, she got her knees on Aspen’s shoulders, Fang’s weight pressing Aspen down into the comfy deep mattress.

The mattress was comfy but Aspen wasn’t!  Not with Fang’s weight on her and a pussy coming towards her face!  Aspen felt physical discomfort and intense social discomfort.

Aspen knew what Fang intended!  She better not and yet it was clear.

Only Fang’s hand on Aspen’s face kept Aspen’s face and Fang’s pussy separate.

Fang grinned, seeming from a mile high above Aspen’s face.  Aspen hated that she had to look past Fang’s pussy and between her small breasts, all just to see Fang’s cocky grin.

Fang said, “You said you do not want to wear my juice from last night on your face and I told you I will help you.  Mistress Fang is most compassionate to her sluts, even the lowliest of sluts, freckled American sluts.  Truly a subhuman species.”

Fucking subhuman!?! 

Aspen had always thought people were as human, as maximum human, as their humanity towards other humans.  Which meant Fant was the fucking subhuman based on how she treated Aspen!

Fang grinned more widely, showing off her sharpened canine teeth.  She looked wolfish.

Fang explained what she thought was so funny, “You say you do not wish to have the honor of wearing my dried juices from last night.  I will so help you.  I will rehydrate them and also add to them my juices from this morning, right now.”

Did Fang really mean what Aspen thought she meant?  Did Fang think she—

Fang pulled away the hand pressing down on Aspen’s face and replaced it with her pussy which she pressed down hard on Aspen’s mouth.

Aspen lay there, partly helpless from her position and partly helpless from her decision not to fight Fang. 

Aspen did not lick Fang’s pussy but that wasn’t what Fang wanted anyway.  At least not yet.  Fang mashed her pussy on Aspen’s mouth, then lifted a little, moved a few inches, and plopped down again.  Fang kept doing that like her pussy was a rubber stamp and Aspen’s face was paper.

Fang’s pussy juice was the invisible ink.

Aspen made some closed-mouth sounds of protest.  They made Fang laugh.  They sure as hell did not make Fang stop what she was doing.

Fang said, “This is most arousing.  Your soft lips feel sexy on my soft nether lips.  Your button nose feels sexy as it penetrates me just by a nose.  I get to fill your nostrils with my superior scent.  Your smooth forehead also feels so sexy on my pussy.  Do you enjoy this great honor of wearing my gloss and my scent?”

Aspen made a closed-mouth angry sound.

“I mark you as belonging to your Mistress Fang.  It is good I mark my territory.  Perhaps my sister will want you despite your many freckles.”

Aspen made another closed-mouth angry sound.

Fang giggled, “Why keep mouth closed?  Don’t you want to taste me?”

Aspen made another closed-mouth angry sound.

Fang acted like Aspen had spoken and Fang understood every word, “Oh, but that is not true, American slut.  You enjoyed my taste last night.  You enjoyed it so much that you orgasmed.”

Aspen was so angry!  That was not why she orgasmed!  She orgasmed because Fang fingered her pussy!

That wasn’t much of a defense, though.  Not really. 

And there was something about the way Fang tasted.  Her pussy was the taste of naughtiness.

“Okay, America Slut, now it is time you opened your mouth.  Your Mistress Fang has need of your tongue.  Marking your face as my territory has greatly aroused me.  This is your fault because it is your face.  You must address the lust you have created in your Mistress Fang.  So now you will use your tongue on your Mistress Fang’s pussy.”

Again with this talk of Fang being her Mistress!  Aspen could not get Fang to stop calling herself Aspen’s Mistress.  Aspen could not even stop Fang from rubbing her pussy all over Aspen’s face.  But Aspen sure as fuck would never call the demented spoiled foreign brat her Mistress.  Hell to the no!

Fang bounced hard on Aspen’s face and urged her, “American slut, let tongue out.  Open slutty mouth.  Taste me.  Serve me.  Please me.”

Fang was so excited that Aspen almost wanted to do it.  But no!

Fang told her, “I know you will do it.  Can you not sense it?  You must also know you will do it.  Do it, American slut.”

Aspen did sense something.  Something beyond her actual senses reporting too much weight on her head along with the feel and smell of pussy.

Aspen sensed Fang might not be the only person in the bedroom who wanted Aspen to open her mouth and let her tongue out.

This situation, the way Fang was physically dominating her and then also verbally dominating her did do something for Aspen.  No, wait, not for her.  Against her!

Aspen was horrified at her own arousal.  How could she be this turned on?  Because of this!  Because of this spoiled bitch!

Aspen’s arousal scared her.  She could tell Fang wouldn’t give up.  But someone had to.  Her or Fang.  And Fang would not.

If Aspen just lay here with her mouth closed, Fang would keep bouncing on her head, pussy painting Aspen’s face with coat after coat of pussy juice.  Worse, Aspen thought she’d get more and more aroused.

The longer this continued, the more dangerous this situation was for Aspen.

Aspen decided she had to take the lesser of the two evils. Give in now, before she got more aroused. Get past this. Give Fang what she wanted so that Aspen did not start wanting it also. Even more than she already did.

Aspen opened her mouth, let her tongue out of the tongue garage, out for a spin in the very immediate neighborhood.

She was tonguing wealth princess pussy!  Made in China!

Fang delighted, “Yes!  This is so good!  You serve your Mistress Fang as you know you now love to do.  Your tongue feels so lucky to lick superior Chinese pussy!”

Fang was such an arrogant spoiled bitch!  She was terrible!

The taste of her pussy was not terrible.  Although it was terribly naughty.

Fang made plans out loud, “Now you know and I know, you love my pussy at night and you love my pussy in the morning.  Very well then, while you are my companion you will lick my pussy each morning when we awake and each night before we fall asleep.  Yes, it shall be so.”

Aspen was alarmed and did not agree.  But right then was not the time to correct the evil twin.  Aspen kept licking.

Fang added, “And you will lick your Mistress Fang’s pussy at other times also.  And perhaps also other pussies at the discretion of your Mistress Fang.”

Other pussies!?!

Aspen was so not going to lick Fang’s pussy every day twice a day let alone also at other times and also other pussies!

But she was here now, or the pussy was there on her mouth.  She kept licking.  She felt rewarded for her efforts because Fang shut the fuck up and went with moans and deep feminine groans instead of words.

Good news, Aspen had a way to shut up the spoiled adult brat.

Bad news, it required licking Fang’s pussy.

Aspen kept licking.  It was messy.  She felt like a mess and she was a mess.  Fang’s pussy flowed freely with lubrication.  Gravity worked against Aspen.  She felt leaks of Fang’s pussy juice and her own saliva running down her neck and even running into her ears.  Fuck!  What a fucking mess!

It was too late to save her head and neck from messiness.  Aspen was more worried about the possible slippery mess developing between her own legs.

Aspen worked harder to make Fang cum.  Dammit, she needed the fucking princess to cum.  Aspen needed to get this over with before she got too turned on.  She didn’t understand why Fang’s bratty forcefulness or the messy pussy licking turned her on but it did. 

Aspen licked rapidly, with seeming enthusiasm.  She felt growing passion but she felt even more worry.  She wanted to keep this to a pussy licking and nothing more but the longer that went on the more she wanted even more than this to happen. 

She licked faster and faster.  She wallowed upward in pussy.

Aspen did too good of a job of pussy pleasing.  She found that out from Fang who was able to speak after all.

“You lick superior pussy well.  You are inferior in so many ways.  American.  White.  The terrible freckles.  But your licking is not inferior and no doubt I will make you hone it to an edge as sharp as your tongue is soft.  Your Mistress Fang will reward you.  Same as last night.”

Aspen knew what that meant but there wasn’t anything she could do about it.  She’d become so aroused she did not even want to do anything to prevent it.

Fang leaned back, propped one hand on the mattress and invaded her other hand between Aspen’s legs.

Fang mumbled, “Yes, I have your Taiwan now!”

Her Taiwan!  Fang had it!  In hand!

Fang was invading Aspen’s democratic pussy with her totalitarian hand!

Aspen kept licking.  Fang’s leaned back position opened up extra access to Fang’s pussy.

Fang’s hand felt great on her pussy.  Fang’s words were humiliating yet found fertile ground in Aspen’s mind. 

“American slut’s pussy is so very wet.  Why is Fang not surprised?”

There was never anything more humiliating than a truth that you did not want to be true.

“Mistress Fang will make her American slut cum before Fang cums.  American sluts are easy to make cum.”

What?  Dammit!  It really pissed Aspen off when Fang insulted America.  Aspen wasn’t always a great student in school, but she was super patriotic.  One of her bucket list items was to meet a soldier arriving home from a war, some guy she did not even know, and fucking him to reward him for his service.  Now that was fucking patriotic!

Instead of that, she had a Chinese wealth princess sitting on her face and talking shit!

Aspen was determined to not cum first.  America versus China, department of orgasms!  Aspen vowed she would win for America.

Fang rubbed Aspen’s pussy for a while.  Then she slid couple fingers into her and fingerfucked her.

Aspen felt her determination slipping even as Fang’s fingers slipped in and out of her pussy with ease.

Fang rode Aspen’s face and murmured, “American slut’s pussy runs like river.  A tight little pussy but still so slutty.  It will be amusing to penetrate it with larger and larger objects.  I will see if it remains tight!”

Aspen hoped that wouldn’t happen.  That she would not let Fang do that to her.  But she could no longer be sure.  Of that or her sexuality or, seemingly, of anything.

Aspen was so turned on.  She hung on Fang’s words as Fang sat on her face.  Aspen’s thoughts fluttered around Fang’s plans for Aspen’s little pussy. 

Aspen bet her pussy was wet and she bet it was red.  Her pussy lips always got so red when she was turned on.  Aspen thought of it as a redhead thing.  She thought her pussy must look quite fuckable right then, ready to be fucked by more than female Chinese fingers.

Penetrated by big things?  What kind of things?  Would they stretch out her little pussy?  A few guys had mentioned how tight she was.  She bet they all would have if they’d been in a comfort zone to compare her pussy out loud to other sexual partners.

It didn’t matter.  She wished Fang would give it a try and get started right away.

Fang slid a third finger into her to join the finger party.  Aspen moaned into Fang’s dripping pussy.  Aspen lifted her ass off the bed and fucked her pussy up on Fang’s fingers.

Fang laughed, “American slut was slutty last night and American slut is just as slutty in the morning.  Sluts are sluts all the time.  Yes, you will cum on my fingers.  Cum for me.  Don’t cum for yourself.  Cum for your Mistress.  When you cum on my fingers you acknowledge I am your Mistress.  Cum first and I win.”

Aspen had to cum but she could not cum.  She did not want Fang to think she was her Mistress.  She did not want Fang to think it more than she already did. 

Aspen did not want to let America down!

Even as she kept lifting up her pussy to take more finger penetrations….

Aspen kept fucking up against Fang’s plunging fingers.  She just could not help it.  She was so turned on.  She wasn’t a slut, she swore she wasn’t, no matter what her new tattoo said on her newly bare pubic mound.  But she felt so slutty.

Was it true, if she came, she would cum for her Mistress?  If she orgasmed, she would acknowledge Fang was her Mistress?

That wasn’t true!  Was it?

Fang… as her Mistress…?

Worst Mistress choice ever!  Aspen vowed not to cum.  Her hips did not get the mental memo.  Aspen bounced her ass from mattress to airborne, over and over.

Fang chuckled wickedly, sounding a little out of breath but not nearly as close to orgasm as Aspen.  Fang was leaning so far back that her lower ass cheeks split against Aspen’s chin and Aspen had to extend her tongue desperately far out to lick her.

Aspen realized Fang was wisely keeping her clitoris out of range of Aspen’s tongue.  Fang intended to win.  Damn it.  Aspen cursed herself for not lapping at Fang’s clit when she had the chance.

Aspen also realized that Fang was no longer actively fingerfucking her.  She held her fingers in a stabbing down position but she held them still.  Aspen had to thrust her pussy up high and hard to get them inside, to get penetrated.  Aspen was doing all the work.  Working against her own self-interest.  Working against America!

Aspen had to work hard.  It was a workout for her abdomen.

Aspen could not make herself stop thrusting.  She needed it.  She needed to orgasm.  She knew if she orgasmed it would be a win for Fang and that Fang would think Aspent had agreed to Fang being her Mistress but Aspen could no longer care.  Not about whether Fang won or if Fang thought she was right or if Aspen was a slut.

Aspen knew Fang was expertly working her over, manipulating her emotions and her body, but there was nothing she could do about that.  Especially when the thought of Fang taking such terrible advantage of her was such a huge turn on.

There was nothing Aspen could do about it, but there was something she could do.

Aspen thrust up hard, froze with her ass in the air and Fang’s fingers deep in her tight pussy, released a whine through her nose that ruffled Fang’s pubic hair, and orgasmed hard and long.