Not a labor of love. This book is a labor of lust. Come feel the lust!

Aponi Two Rivers, the most beautiful member of her tribe, and her two most lovely friends are on a visit to Mason Ranch. They are trying to better understand the ponygirl business. They should be careful what they wish for!
The entourage of lovelies suspect, but do not yet have evidence, that their tribe and Mason Ranch are breaking the law as they convert women into ponygirls, train them, race them, and even sell them. They also suspect that the white ranchers at Mason Ranch are dominant lesbians who take advantage of the ponygirls. The entourage intends to shut down the ponygirl business. They want clearcut evidence of law breaking or immoral activity. Again, they should be careful what they wish for!
Dayanni has disappeared and Aponi and Taima think she is scouting the ranch looking for wrongdoing. She found it, but the wrongdoing she found was done to her! She is now “in process” to becoming a ponygirl.
One lovely Indian down. Two more to go. The white ranchers have a diabolical plan. Aponi has no idea yet that her older sister has put the ranchers up to seducing and dominating her. Aponi brought her friends for helpful support, but she may have instead led them right into lesbian domination and a life as ponygirls!
Can the ranchers trick and then tame one or more of the remaining Indian visitors? How could they when Aponi and Taima already look upon them with suspicion?
Will Doctor Krista McDonald stand by, tamed herself, and simply watch, or will she take an active role… and save Aponi and Taima… or… help seduce and dominate them?
Hi Jordan. Just read that you have tons of ideas for future stories, which I am excited about. I was wondering if you have any particular ideas for lesbian-themed fantasy, supernatural, or sci-fi stories? Thanks.
Shall I call you Reese? It is amazing to me that you ask that question right now. An online friend of mine who has posted stories on Literotica under the name Mynt_Eleven inspired me with his fiction which is erotica based in a fantasy swords and sorcery setting. His work is incredibly excellent, truly five stars. He put a bee buzzing in my skull that in turn collected some thought nectar and I’ve begun making it into honey. I’m no beekeeper but I am going to try an erotic fantasy. I’ve already started it. I am just now publishing the 12th and final book in the lesbian ponygirl series. From there, I have a 2-book project in the contemporary world. After that, the fantasy series.