Chapter 1 was HUGE so Chapter 2 was never going to be able to compete. But, it progresses the plot as you shall read.
I hope you are very well and being extremely safe. Leslie Nielsen in Naked Gun may have been before his time when he and what’s-her-face wore full body condoms. That’s got to be even better than a mask!

Hey, factoid to pass on here. Who knows, maybe I will save your life.
The reason sicknesses are so prolific and so bad in Fall and Winter is not just the lower vitamin D which most of us already knew was factor (Buy a sun lamp for $33. I did.) It is also because, strangely and, to me, counter intuitively, bacteria and virus do not like moist air. It breaks them down. They thrive in dry air and the cold does not much impact them. So there is that, they live and thrive longer on surfaces and in the air as the air gets cooler and drier in Fall and Winter. But that’s not all! Our own respiratory systems dry out a little from dry air and that makes us MUCH more vulnerable to sicknesses. We are more likely to catch them and less able to resist them.
My point? What am I suggesting?
Get a freaking humidifier for your bedroom, office space, and/or main living areas! The more you avoid dry air the stronger your system is and the less able the bacteria and viruses are to survive. Our parents and grandparents, through trial and error, already knew this but usually waited to haul out the humidifier until after a person was already sick. Do it BEFORE.
Hint hint: Supplies of humidifiers are thought to be at risk of running out. Buy early.
Disclaimer: I do not own stock in any company that sells humidifiers. Nor do I own stock at all….
Okay, back to Chapter 2!
It continues Bailey’s experiences and sets the stage for the completion of the big interracial lesbian orgy.
By the way, I’ve decided to do a chapter per book published. I was trying for one a week but the chapters are just too long and there is too much to do. Also I kept getting out of rhythm. Six days to twenty-three days between chapters is too irregular. So, book-chapter-book-chapter and so on.
That should work out to at least two chapters per month and they will probably be longer with less time pressure.
You can click on the below link to go straight to Chapter 2 of Book 5 or you can select the “Free Lesbian Seduction Fiction” tab on my site to read all of Book 4 and Book 5 so far.
(Also, there are a couple other lesbian seduction and domination stories there for free. Including one about forced voting and dominated votes which certainly seems timely!)