The clock is ticking and Ashley is entrapped in her apartment, trapped with two Black Mistresses. How is she trapped? Only by her own lust and submissiveness. Tella and Pinky have used her every which way and don’t plan on stopping. But Ashley’s live-in boyfriend, Rich, is returning home within hours. Ashley needs to get the Black Mistresses out of the apartment and out of her life. The problem is, they think the apartment is now theirs and they think Ashley now belongs to them. They think they own Ashley!
Ashley works to get out from under them while also working to please them. A dangerous combination! What does she want more, her freedom or more orgasms? Is it more important to protect herself and her relationship with Rich, or is it more important to serve her new twisted Black Mistresses?
While Ashley is planning on getting out from under, the Black Mistresses have their own plan to drive her so far under that Ashley will spend the rest of her life submerged in submission. The plan is shocking and diabolical. It involves bringing in a black man related to the Black Mistress who first seduced Ashley. But it involves a lot more than that.
Can the Black Mistresses and the black man impregnate Ashley? Will Ashley allow herself to be black bred? Will Ashley end up having both Black Mistresses and a Black Master?
What will happen when Rich comes home? What will he see and how will he react?